Stupid Cop doesn’t know what he’s giving me a ticket for. Pretty damn funny.

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Published on Nov 25, 2012 by AnarchisticGringo

On a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend on the Venice bike path an LAPD officer was blocking the path on his motorcycle and another young girl was partially blocking the other side and bike traffic was backed up. I said, “officer, your motorcycle is blocking the bike path” to which he replied, “I can give you a ticket for that”.
As seen on YoVenice. 🙂

A bit later and I have sirens pulling me over and I record the rest. You really gotta listen to how stupid this is. Some good quotes in there.

One thought on “Stupid Cop doesn’t know what he’s giving me a ticket for. Pretty damn funny.

  1. Followup:

    Stupid Cop Ticket and the First Court Appearance. Caught Up in the System

    Look for final response:

    “Stupid Cop Final Say” (Video) on his YouTube account.

    I didn’t want to spam with another link. Ticket was dropped after first appearance “in the interest of justice”.
    . . .

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