Suburban DC school district takes Christmas off calendar after Muslims complain

how-the-grinch-stole-christmas2EAG News – by Kyle Olson

ROCKVILLE, Md. – Christmas is now just December 25th in the Montgomery County school district.

The suburban DC district stripped Christmas and Jewish holy holidays from its official calendar after Muslim parents complained.

But that’s not good enough as they say the move does “nothing to gain parity and a day off for the Muslim holiday of Eid,” according to WTOP.  

“Equality is really what we’re looking for,” Saqib Ali, co-chair of Equality for Eid, says. “Simply saying we’re not going to call this Christmas, and we’re not going to call this Yom Kippur, and still closing the schools, that’s not equality.”

CAIR isn’t happy either.

“What’s really concerning to us is that similar conditions weren’t placed on any other faith community,” a representative of the group, Zainab Chaudry, says, the station reports.

The district is attempting to decouple the breaks from school and religious holidays by calling them “winter break” and “student holidays.”

But school board member Michael Durso says unless the Muslim’s complaints aren’t addressed, “it comes off as insensitive, and I just think we cannot afford to be in that light.”

According to NBC 4, school employee Samira Hussein has campaigned for 20 years to have the Muslim holiday added to the school calendar.

“The Eid is just the same exact as Christmas day or Easter day or Yom Kippur,” she says.

School representatives note absenteeism isn’t much different on the Muslim holidays.

“The absentee rate on the Eid holidays, when they’ve fallen on a school day, haven’t been considerably higher or lower than it is on any other given day,” spokesman Dana Tofig tells the news station.

The Washington Post reports the board 7-1 to stop recognizing the Christian and Jewish holidays.

“This seems the most equitable option,” said board member Rebecca Smondrowski, who proposed the idea, according to the paper.

11 thoughts on “Suburban DC school district takes Christmas off calendar after Muslims complain

  1. “the most equitable option,” Would be for you to get the f^(k out of our country if you don’t like it. This happens to be America and we have our customs and traditions and if you don’t like them then go home to whatever s$!t hole you came from. Accommodate yourself on the next flight out of here!!!!!

    1. Any complaints from Muslims about the traditions in our country should be dealt with as they would in the Middle East. Stoning followed by beheading.

  2. The Jews are doing it, and blaming the Muslims. (as usual) I’m sure they found a few Muslim patsies to lead the charge, but this serves two Zionist goals; the elimination of Christianity from our culture, and to foster hatred between Muslims and Christians.

    It’s a political false flag.

    1. and I’m sure you’ll find Zionists at the top of the “atheist groups” too, and for the same reasons.

      all these Jews do is work to divide people, and get their enemies to fight each other.

      1. You noticed that too obviously. The Muslims requested only equal representation and the response was to strike ALL the religious names and make a stink about it implying they wanted to be grinches. They requested to be ADDED. That is all. I may catch hell for that but that is what is stated and don’t find it overreaching.

        I am still waiting for the Muslim attack that doesn’t have a joo hand in it.

        1. If a Christian wants to go to a Muslim land and live as a Christian, they must do so with the anticipation that they are entering another’s realm, another’s culture.
          Try going over to Israel and demanding that you be allowed to force Christianity into their system. Or Iran. And you know what? That is their right.
          I do not profess to be a Christian, though I try to live morally, and I know that the peace and happiness I knew as a boy and young man were the result of living in this Christian nation where morality used to set the mark.
          These Muslims are free to have their religion, not only equal, but dominant. All they have to do is move back to their Muslim country where Islam is the dominant culture, but evidently, that’s not the best system as they have fled it. It’s like all the other invaders coming here to dominate.
          You say they are just looking for equality. No. They are just wanting their foot in the door and they intend to dominate.
          It’s like we are told “the poor Mexicans just love America and want to be Americans” but as soon as they get a foot hold, all of the sudden our children can’t wear our flag on their t-shirt to school because the Mexicans intend to conquer and dominate.
          If these people do not like our culture or want to change it, they need to get out. When you come to someone else’s country you assimilate, as to do otherwise is to destroy that which you claim you came for.
          Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving are a part of our culture, with or without religion and we must defend that culture, as it is absolutely under attack. Our enemies must destroy who we are before they exterminate us.

  3. This was SPUN to make Muslims look bad.

    Here it is in a nutshell:

    “They would remove the Christian holidays and they would remove the Jewish holidays from the calendar before they would consider adding the Muslim holiday to the calendar.”

    They wanted a Muslim holiday off, in light of the school giving Yom Kippur off, and the board would rather get rid of ALL religious holidays rather than add a Muslim one:

    “Muslim parents want Christian and Jewish holidays to remain on the school calendar – but they want a day off granted for theirs, too.”



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