Tax Meat Until No One Eats It Anymore, Says UN Climate Change Report

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

Meat production should be taxed to save the environment and prevent global warming, a United Nations report is recommending.

Professor Maarten Hajer of Utrecht University in the Netherlands authored the report, released by the UN’s International Research Panel (IRP), which is comprised of 34 scientists and 30 governments  

“All of the harmful effects on the environment and on health needs to be priced into food products,” Hajer told The Washington Post. “I think it is extremely urgent.”

Meat, he argued, should be taxed at the wholesale level to raise the price and deter consumption. He and other members of the IRP assert that livestock creates 14.5 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions that the panel says contribute to climate change.

Taxes are needed to deter increases in meat consumption in nations like China, he said.

“We think it’s better to price meats earlier in the chain,” Hajer told The Guardian. “It’s sexier to tax it at the consumer level, but not as effective.”

“If we were all to copycat the way in which we feed ourselves in North America or Europe [with meat], the planet would be in deep trouble,” Hajer added.

Nations should discourage their citizens from eating meat, the report says.

“This report shows our current food system has to change because it’s not sustainable,” Hajer said.

Chicken and dairy consumption is expected to increase by 20 percent in the next decade, and beef and pork consumption by 14 percent over that time span, according to the report.

“Dealing with consumer choices is an extremely touchy issue, but you have to deal with it, because there will consequences,” former European Union environment commissioner Janez Potocnik told The Guardian. Potocnik is co-chairman of the IRP. “The time is coming when we will not be able to sweep it any more under the carpet.”

Rachel Premack, a columnist for The Washington Post’s Wongblog, said the UN’s report deserves serious consideration in the United States.

“It may be delicious, but the evidence is accumulating that meat, particularly red meat, is just a disaster for the environment — and not so great for human beings, either,” she wrote, asserting that agriculture consumes 80 percent of water in the US – most of that being for meat. “… For a kilogram of red meat, you need considerably more water than for plant products.”

Premack added, “Along with a tax, a meat cutback could be achieved by making plant-based diets more appealing and less expensive.”

13 thoughts on “Tax Meat Until No One Eats It Anymore, Says UN Climate Change Report

  1. “This report shows our current food system has to change because it’s not sustainable,” Hajer said.”

    That’s because ‘this report’ is full of sh#t.

    ‘Sustainable’ is Agenda 21 commiespeak.

    “Nations should discourage their citizens from eating meat, the report says.”
    “It may be delicious, but the evidence is accumulating that meat, particularly red meat, is just a disaster for the environment…”

    They have a MUCH tastier ‘solution’ in store for those ‘citizens’…

    1. So is gmo fruits and veggies.
      By far the worst.
      Hmm…maybe that’s what their shootin for.
      That and processed food.
      Clog a persons system and your ripe for health issues, disease, and death.
      Makes you wonder what really causes leaky gut syndrome and all the other stomach and or intestinal issues people are needlessly suffering from.
      Not to worry, they’ll blame you for your bad diet.
      Withhold expensive antibiotics.
      Tell you to change your diet.
      You do and after eating a damn salad you look 5 months pregnant.

    1. They’re crunchy and an excellent source of protein.

      Bloomberg’s up there now so the forecast calls for a chance of puke, with lingering vomiting in the morning, possibly followed by mudbutt.

      “Let’s elect a sane, competent person” is the current headline on the Communist News Network. Good idea Einstein! Who do you have in mind? Hilllary, Hillary, Hillary. You son’s of bitches may as well change your name to the Hillary Network.

      It’s not just blatant pandering, it’s treasonous. Ted Turner, Bloomberg and the rest will have some “splainin'” to do once the fan hits the poop.

      1. I’m thinking of a new game. It’s called who can carry the most heads in a bag. I’m lifting weights and getting ready! Haha! I’ve had it with these low life, scum sucking pieces of filth. They’re breathing my air, and I’m not okay with that!

        Rumor has it that turner is the one who created the Georgia guide stones, he’s all for depopulation. John Kerry claimed that ac and refrigeration were more deadly than ISIS. As if they would ever give up their fancy homes and boats, planes, etc.

        I’m sick of their talk. If there were ever more useless eaters on this planet, I could make a list in a second. It’s not us, it’s them!

        Click, click, boom!

  2. BUGS!!!! Eat bugs, you peasant….. and be happy you’re getting them.

    I think there would be plenty of food for everyone, and no “sustainability” problems if they weren’t trying to pack everyone into Agenda 21 cities.

  3. We have to kill the cows so their flatulence does not cause global warming.
    We can not just have those millions of cows rotting in the fields. We are just trying to evenly distribute the waste by eating them and defecating the remains throughout the country in the most ecologically friendly manner possible.

  4. What a retard. Apparently this Jack ass has not noticed that he has canines for tearing meat. We are omnivores. There are health risks and consequences to not eating meat. Blood sugars are stabilized by proper protein intake. Maybe this jack ass should stop breathing air. “It is urgent that retards stop breathing our air. They are consuming all of the good air as the world is overflowing with retards!”.

  5. Tax meat until no one eats it? Hell i thought they already did that. Sure seems that way.

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