Teen who made ‘Terroristic’ Video Game Comment Getting Beat up in Jail

=Undated photo of Justin Carter, who's facing a felony "terroristic threat" charge in Texas. Courtesy Jack Carter.Infowars

The father of Justin Carter, the teen accused of making terroristic threats on Facebook, told NPR’s Morning Edition today that his son is persistently getting beat up and treated horribly at the Comal County Jail in Texas where he is being held.

“Without getting into the really nasty details, he’s had concussions, black eyes, moved four times from base for his own protection,” Carter’s father, Jack, told NPR.org. “He’s been put in solitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he’s depressed. All of this is extremely traumatic to this kid. This is a horrible experience.”  

19-year-old Carter is locked up on a felony charge because of a joke he made on Facebook on Feb. 13 talking about shooting up a school following a game of League of Legends.

“I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them,” Carter allegedly remarked.

His father says the comment was taken out of context and was followed up by “JK” and “lol,” indicating his son was just kidding. A grand jury, however, deemed his comments terroristic and indicted him.

A judge set his bail at half a million dollars, an unprecedented amount according to Carter’s attorney, Don Flanary.

“I have been practicing law for 10 years, I’ve represented murderers, terrorists, rapists. Anything you can think of. I have never seen a bond at $500,000,” Flanary stated.

Carter’s father says his son got got carried away and is extremely sorry.

“I miss my son. He’s my friend and I just want him out,” his father incredibly overwhelmed with emotion. “Nobody’s life should be ruined because of a sarcastic comment.”

If convicted, Carter faces a maximum of 10 years in prison.

Justin’s parents started a petition to raise awareness of his situation.


7 thoughts on “Teen who made ‘Terroristic’ Video Game Comment Getting Beat up in Jail

  1. The gamer community is aware of this poor lad, they totally agree that this is total overkill reaction and seems totally over the top when far, far worse can be seen on the trade or chat channels of many games, why make this lad an example on something that is simply gross in taste but indicative of a young mind making boundary testing statements much in common with todays young?

    I for one am extremely suspicious in the ease they got this boys information, the lack of GM action or sanction, was he the first to make such statements and if not then why was he dealt with in this fashion and others not? Was this lad incited, tricked into making such a bold statement I wonder? Had he been playing other games like GTA? APB? Left for Dead? There are a plethora of games out there that kids can literally go shooting up the neighbourhood and no one has them in the dock.

    On World of Warcraft some of the younger kids take over the trade channel with stuff like the anal rape thing, they do it for a while, a GM gives them a three day ban after reading them the riot act and if they do it again they are banned for good, so several kids get a short ban to make them understand their behaviour is intolerable, they come back and behave sensibly and its forgotten and the kids have grown up a little.

    1. You left out one of the worst of the bunch, AG.

      Call of Duty.

      About as violent as a video game can get.

  2. This guy is 19 years old. Doesn`t he know any better than to talk about things like he did. This is probobly not the first time this kid did/talked/acted this way. It sounds like the justice system over reacted, but then again, maybe this kid might think that it is cool to be talking about shooting up a kindergarten, eating hearts, and blood raining down. This punk kid wants to talkl cheap sh*t like that then maybe he aught to enlist in the army and go blow some heads off and see real life body parts flying and see how cool it is to talk that crap. This 19 year old needs to grow up.

    1. What do you expect? That young ones can play violent games and walk away saying well that was fun. Are you out of your mind. The military watches out for these guys to induct them in for the nefarious jobs they have like droning people in third world countries killing and maiming women and children. These games do not need to be created it is all by design to accomplish many things such as: to create an indifference to death, to make the young ones feel honorable and macho, to build killing skills and to rot their brains against knowing the evil in them.

      1. Yes Susan, ya know though that death is something not to be afraid of because we are all going to experience it, yes death isn`t something to be afraid of. The problem is when these youngsters start thinking about how they want to fantasize about playing these games. That is what is scary – ya know – it is kind of scarry as to how we are going to meet our maker, not that we will meet our maker but how we all will. These so called kids think that is is cool to be blowing things up while playing a damned game, but it ireally isn`t a game when they think like that. Those kids all aught to be put in a real life war zone if they want to play games and then see what blood and guts are about. Bet that they would stop making comments like this 19 yr. old did.

      2. Thinking about it Susan, these games are not violent because it is just a damned game. Violence is not violent when it is a game like these video games. These video games are all about brain washing. Kind of what you are sayin. Kids now day seem to think that this kind of thing is a joke, and that is why I think that they can all go and see just what real blood and guts are realy about. Hell I bet that most kids now days cannot even butcher a chicken if ya know what I mean but yet they can play these war games and such and kill people and little kids and laugh about it. These punks like this kid should have to see what it is realy like to kill a animal be it humam or not. Maybe these punks like this need to have their own blood spilled instead of making comments like this 19 yr. old. I bet this 19 yr. old was a rich spoiled kid – just like this Zimmerman punk is. I bet on that.

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