Texas Ebola Outbreak Results in Forced Quarantine, Blood Draws Or Arrest

infection disease ebola quarantine danger 263x164 Texas Ebola Outbreak Results in Forced Quarantine, Blood Draws Or ArrestNatural Society – by Christina Sarich

The United States has taken action in light of the recent Ebola outbreak in Dallas, appearing to want to keep the issue isolated. The U.S. government has forced quarantine and blood draws from the family in Dallas where a member was found to have the virus. They face arrest if they don’t comply.

My question is – if the government was so keen on keeping this ‘virus’ (biowarfare) in control, why didn’t they restrict travel from countries where it is running rampant? Why have they not informed hospitals of the possible dangers? Why was this man, who sought medical attention, turned loose to possibly contaminate hundreds more people before the government then decided to use militia tactics for lock down?  

Government-mandated medical procedures of any kind is a very slippery slope to go sliding down. If they will do this to a family in Dallas, they will do it to anyone ‘suspected’ of having Ebola.

“The state of Texas and Dallas County health officials have ordered four close family members of a Dallas Ebola patient to stay home and not have visitors to prevent spreading the deadly disease,” the Dallas affiliate of CBS reported. “If ignored, a violation could result in criminal charges.”

Would you be ready to face a 21-day forced quarantine, as this family is being asked to comply with? Do you have enough food, water, and other necessities to stay in your own home as if it were a prison? How about being ordered to give blood on command? How does that sit with you?

According to Texas state authorities, “The family members must also be available to provide blood samples, agree to any testing by public health officials, and immediately report any symptoms to Dallas County Health and Human Services,” reports CBS News.

If this outbreak spreads to other cities – it would be very easy for our government to do exactly what they did after 911 – take away all of our rights. Will you let them?

One family may not seem like a big deal –and of course, other Dallas residents don’t want to contract Ebola, but what happens if there are suddenly 500 cases? Does that mean the government will force everyone to stay inside for weeks at a time – an entire city quarantined?

What then – when there aren’t enough police or ‘authorities’ to monitor those who are infected. The word FEMA comes to mind for some, even though they will likely be called  “Community Health Centers” or something lovely sounding.

The same thing has already happened in Liberia.

I suggest preparing in advance, and just being prepared for the worst-case scenario, and pray for the best case. Have enough water and freeze-dried or storable health foods for 21 days minimum and learn about how to defend your health during a pandemic – (whether real or created).

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/texas-ebola-outbreak-results-forced-quarantine-blood-draws-arrest/#ixzz3FrepggQM
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2 thoughts on “Texas Ebola Outbreak Results in Forced Quarantine, Blood Draws Or Arrest

  1. Once again, ALL A HOAX!!! DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS SHIT! 😡 THERE IS NO EBOLA IN DALLAS!!! If there was I think I would be one of the many to be infected because I handle hundreds of customers a day and I’m HEALTHY AS CAN BE!!!

    F**K THEIR QUARANTINE!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT FALSE PROPAGANDA and I’m sick of Dallas being the city to have started it all. Clay Jenkins and Perry need to be thrown in the slammer and stoned for what they are doing. TREASONOUS to the core! 😡

    1. You stated the facts, NC. Nothing else needs to be said here.

      I guess this will put a damper on Texas seceding from the Union of States, let alone stopping all the illegal Latinos from crossing the border. If you come in contact with a Latino who is suspected of having Ebola, you will be quarantined.

      It will be best for all Texans to shelter at home and stay off the streets. Please stay tuned to the MSM for the latest health emergency developments. Governor Perry has the entire matter under control… don’t worry.

      What bullsh!t.

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