Texas Police Officer Wrestles Teen To Ground, Pulls Gun On Unarmed Teens

Published on Jun 7, 2015 by Reality Wives

A police officer, Corporal Eric Casebolt, from McKinney, TX was suspended after this video footage shows him wrestling a teenager in a bikini to the ground with his knees in her neck and back and then pointing his gun at a group of unarmed teenagers. Cops were called Friday night about a disturbance near the Craig Ranch North Community Pool. The person who was recording was white, he was not questioned and felt this situation was uncalled for.

Story: http://realwiv.es/1QgcEY8

5 thoughts on “Texas Police Officer Wrestles Teen To Ground, Pulls Gun On Unarmed Teens

  1. I watched the video and saw nothing that alarmed me. If I was trying to get control of suspect on the ground and several people advanced on my position very quickly and damn near surrounded me, you can bet there is a high probability my gun would come out of the holster.

    The entire conduct of the police in the video was professional and reasonable. I seldom say this, but this appears to be the exception to the rule.

    1. Are you kidding??? It’s OK for a cop to pull out a gun on a bunch of unarmed teenagers at a swim party??? wtf?

      This is exactly the case where a NUTTY cop shoots an unarmed teenager and says “I FEARED FOR MY LIFE”. That is exactly what he would say. In fact, his defense for THIS will be, “I DREW MY GUN BECAUSE I FEARED FOR MY LIFE”, and it looks like you’re condoning that.

    2. Randy, you’re an asshole! He drew his gun on an UNARMED person, you idiot!!! What the hell is wrong with you? If the guy had a knife or a bat, then that’s different, but he was UNARMED! Therefore the cop lost control of the situation and obviously even before it started, he was completely outta control.

      The MSM, of course is using this “viral video” in order to play the race card and to promote their race war propaganda that they have been doing in Ferguson and Baltimore. Just look at the footage that they show/edit in this video.


      It’s obvious that when they show the black people, they purposely show the black people saying, “We don’t want another Baltimore. We just want justice.” followed by the community residents (the guy in the pool and the two women who didn’t want to show themselves on camera) who were all white people with a white sign that said, “Thank you, Mckinney police for keeping us safe”. It’s totally Commie/Zionist propaganda. Their using the incident/video to further their agenda. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had a few riot incidents in the streets in the next few weeks. The elite have been trying to attack Texas for months now since we have been fighting back at the border, with the BLM and the Jade Helm exercises and gun propaganda. So now they’ve been hitting us with HAARP, gun control propaganda with Waco gangs (if you even believe that story) and now they are playing the riot/race game with this incident. You can read these assholes like a book, for cryin’ out loud.

      Wake up, people!

  2. I wanna know who that fat white guy with the white shirt and blue shorts was who was following that cop around and trying to keep the people at bay, especially when the one guy was trying to help the black girl. (See around the 3:30 mark)

    Was he a resident or an undercover cop? How come the cop wasn’t telling him to move away or saying that he was interfering with the investigation? How come they didn’t put him in handcuffs for following the cops around at such a close distance? What made him so special that he could help the cops but no one else could?

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