The Bailout Bonanza is Back! (Pt 2: Hedge Hogs Demand More!)

The Great Recession

The emphasis has to be on HOG as they squeal for corporate welfare and push their snouts into the trough. One hedge hog says the government needs to bail out all businesses by paying all wages so companies that depleted all cash don’t have to pay to retain all workers:

[Ackman] went on to tweet that there should be no defaults, no foreclosures. In fact, he says he wants to see “a 30-day rent, interest and tax holiday for all” immediately…. Without it, he warns that every day we postpone a complete shutdown “costs thousands, and soon hundreds of thousands, and then millions of lives, and destroys the economy.”


No problem. The government that was already running hog-wild with a bloated $1.2 trillion deficit so that it could give tax cuts to corporations so they could buy back stocks for shareholder gains just to lose all of that when stock prices evaporated … that government that already gave away the farm to corporations should now triple down on that deficit!

Read the rest here:

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