The FCC and the OTARD Rule

Uploaded on Jun 10, 2019

The FCC plans to amend an old Over-The-Air-Reception-Device (OTARD) rule to allow wireless companies to place 5G transmitters on private homes in your neighborhood, with no notice, no hearing, no opportunity for you to do anything about it. The FCC is supposed to work for the people, not the wireless companies. Please call Congressman Frank Pallone at (202) 225-4671 and ask him to hold hearings on the OTARD rule and stop the FCC!

One thought on “The FCC and the OTARD Rule

  1. Public comments on the FCC’s proposal to broaden its current OTARD rules can be submitted until June 3 through the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System (Reference WT Docket No. 19-71; FCC 19-36).

    I’m thinking the idiot homeowner that would consent to this in spite of his neighbors’ objections should rethink his decision…. and check to make sure his homeowner’s insurance policy covers damages suffered by this technology….wink wink

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