The Federal Government Must Arrest President Obama for Recklessly Endangering the Entire Country by the Intentional Release of Communicable Diseases

NC Renegade – by David DeGerolamo

Under Arizona state law, it is a felony to introduce disease into the state:

13-2912. Unlawful introduction of disease or parasite; classification

A. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly introduce into this state a disease or parasite of animals or poultry that constitutes a threat to:

1. Livestock or poultry industry in this state.
2. Human health.
3. Human life.  

B. This section does not apply to research conducted by government or educational institutions.

C. A violation of subsection A:

1. Paragraph 1 is a class 5 felony.
2. Paragraph 2 is a class 4 felony.
3. Paragraph 3 is a class 2 felony.

The attorney general of Arizona has documented the illegal act of the federal government for the transport of illegal aliens into their state:

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne formally demanded the federal government “cease and desist” from transporting illegal immigrants to his state or else face a possible lawsuit. 

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne formally demanded the federal government “cease and desist” from transporting illegal immigrants to his state or else face a possible lawsuit.

In a letter to Department of Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson, Horne called on the government to halt the shipments of untold hundreds of illegal immigrant families to Arizona.


The federal government has publicly acknowledged that there are outbreaks of pneumonia and swine flu outbreaks among illegal children in California:

Outbreak on the Border

Health authorities at a Navy base in Southern California took steps last weekend to curtail an outbreak of pneumonia and swine flu among illegal immigrant children housed at the facility, according to U.S. officials.

The outbreak of disease among several of the nearly 600 immigrant children at the Naval Base Ventura County, located north of Los Angeles, initially was thought to be caused by deadly bacterial streptococcal meningitis, according to one official close to the issue.


Consider the definition of reckless endangerment:

Reckless endangerment is a crime consisting of acts that create a substantial risk of serious physical injury to another person. The accused person isn’t required to intend the resulting or potential harm, but must have acted in a way that showed a disregard for the foreseeable consequences of the actions. The charge may occur in various contexts, such as, among others, domestic cases, car accidents, construction site accidents, testing sites, domestic/child abuse situations, and hospital abuse. State laws and penalties vary, so local laws should be consulted.

The Obama administration has pursued a policy of reckless endangerment by allowing tens of thousands of illegal aliens to enter the United States in direct violation of our sovereign immigration laws. It has been documented by the federal government that swine flu and pneumonia outbreaks have been a result of this policy. Tuberculosis , hand-foot-and-mouth disease, Chagas disease and chicken pox have been verified by US border patrol agents.

Since these policies have put the health of the entire population of the United States at risk by distributing these children across the country without any medical evaluations or security, I petition the government to arrest the president for recklessly endangering the people of the United States by the introduction of communicable diseases which could lead to several pandemics.

David DeGerolamo

If you agree with the information below, please sign and promote the petition at the White House:

Once the petition reaches 150 signatures, it will be shown to the public without a direct link.

5 thoughts on “The Federal Government Must Arrest President Obama for Recklessly Endangering the Entire Country by the Intentional Release of Communicable Diseases

  1. Thank you for posting this information. After 1000 views on, only twenty people have signed the petition at I understand the petition is symbolic but it needs 130 more signatures before it will be available to the general public for viewing.

  2. why are they given the chance to “cease and desist” ?

    They broke the law , arrest them charge them try them and lets move the F on to the white house

    Did the last criminal that ..say is robbing .. or killing people , did they get a notice to Cease and Desist? No they got arrested Tried and Jailed if convicted

  3. Wouldn’t it be easier to just attack DC with our militias and arrest them all and get it over with? Why are we so focused on one puppet and why are we taking this long to do it?

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