11 thoughts on “The horrifying testimony of ex nun of the Roman Catholic Church

  1. Thanks, Koyote for posting this. Will put this vid on my blog, where I can explain just how important this video is and why I am with Christ, not religion. (BTW I grew up Catholic and if not for a priest trying to throb his penis at my rear while posing for a ‘First Holy Communion’ picture, I might have become a nun myself! That and the fact that my dad grew up Episcopal…he and my mother would argue about the Pope’s “infallibility” all the time! He was forced to convert to Roman Catholicism after he married my mother.)

    1. ” (BTW I grew up Catholic and if not for a priest trying to throb his penis at my rear while posing for a ‘First Holy Communion’ picture, I might have become a nun myself! ”

        1. The priest nudged me toward him while I was facing the camera, or pulled me toward him as he stood behind me, and, while he did not take down his pants, I could feel his penis throbbing at my rear–I was 6 years old and had no idea what a penis was. I could feel something throbbing at my rear part. Since I had no idea what he was doing I never told my parents. But now I know exactly what he was doing.

          I have nothing against ordinary Catholics, but the Church hierarchy is likely mostly Satanic IMHO. Since Pope John Paul I was the last (perhaps) decent pope, he had to be whacked–David Yallop’s “In God’s Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I”. The movie starring Robbie Coltraine called “The Pope Must Die” (or The Pope Must Diet) is based on this fact.

  2. Sometimes I wonder who I’d be today if I grew up without religion. So many years it takes to stop looking through that lens. And how could anything loving have anything to do with eternal damnation? Eternity is a very long time.

    In my neighborhood, priest were like kings, and everyone doted over them. If they ever actually came to your house, usually to pay respects after a death, it was like “God’s representative on earth” was visiting and you better be impressed and consider it an honor.

    Now that I look back I see the pompous hierarchy with all the funny hats and expensive robes in the golden cathedrals asking for money and dishin’ out shame and guilt like a main course. Little did I/we know we were entertaining demons, or their minions.

    And oh yeah… Mother Superior used to hit me.



    1. Me too, from Roman Catholic to atheist to agnostic to lukewarm to Christian Zionist to true believer in Christ, Christ not religion. I am thinking of writing a book about it, God willing.

    2. Me too Mary in TX. Religion is not scriptural. Was raised catholic. Thank God I escaped. Wish I could get my family out of it.

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