The numbers do not lie 9/11/2015

Published on Apr 22, 2015 by Professor Doom1

Partial credit goes to SoulR3ap3r
It does not take a genus to see with everything going on right now with Military Exercises to closing Walmarts that this is truly the year for an event to take place!………

16 thoughts on “The numbers do not lie 9/11/2015

  1. Mark, the audio is barely discernible with children crying in the background. I am unable to decipher although I would like to.

    1. Please accept my apology. I could hear the content above the background din of children. Essentially, 911 is of occult numerological significance and ties into the ” Shmita Year “. See here:

      9.11.2001 – twin towers, 9.29.2008 – major market correction ( note 2+9=11, thus 9.29 IS 9.11 in terms of occult numerology known as Gematria ( see here: ). 2008 + 7 = 2015. We are due for another event sometime in September 2015. Every 7th year is a Shmita year. No worry, the One True Living God is in control . . .

      1. Yea, yea, every year they have been crying wolf over another 9/11 attack on 9/11 and nothing has happened. Until someone shows me better proof, then this is all fearmongering as far as I’m concerned. No offense, Mark.

        1. No offense taken NC. I studied the works of Aleister Crowley and the occult for about 10 years decades ago, so have a wee insight into the occult / luciferian mind. And NO, never practiced, just familiarized.

          I’m not implying any particular ” type ” of event will occur, however I do know certain dates and numbers are of major significance to the minions of lucifer. I make no demands for belief, I merely present and share. All are free to take and leave whatsoever they choose ( to each their own ) . . .

          By the way, Mark Passio ( ) is much more adept and astute with the intricacies of the occult than I am.

          An afterthought: Yes, there have been many “false false-flags”. I see it as the wolf crying wolf to the little boy till he no longer pays attention. Then comes THE POUNCE . . .

  2. This is utter nonsense produced by someone who wants to distract you and make you look like an idiot. I actually watched about a third of this stupid video and I’m sorry I did. Numerology is a mathematician’s magic show, and even if these psychopaths do believe in it, why is it any of our concern?

    I can imagine the mainstream media description of this; “Internet conspiracy theorists are now claiming there’s a plot to attack America led by the U.S. military and Walmart, and they have numerological proof supporting their tin-foil hat claims.”

    The people who suspected you were crazy a week ago now have proof.

    1. Well now. Since you present yourself to speak for others believing I’m crazy, I have a solution !!!

      Effective immediately: I, Mark Worsham, shall no longer submit videos or articles to FTTWR, nor shall I comment. I’ll just experience them in my private ” loony bin “. Congratulations, as bush once stated: ” Mission Accomplished “. I don’t stay where I’m not wanted. Adios . . .

      1. Mark, do not take it the wrong way, its just we are all beyond all that. We are waiting for the…the…BANG!, let the lead fly!

      2. Mark, I post stuff all the time for editorial review. J. R. and numerous others have blown some of my posts out of the water. Don’t take it personal, brother. I hope you reconsider as I have enjoyed your posts and comments. We are all on the same team here. Millard

      3. I don’t speak for others. It’s simply MY opinion, and the first article of the constitution allows me to express it.

        You’re perfectly welcome to respond however you want to regarding anything I say, and I’m not going to get mad at you for it.

        Articles are posted here for discussion. That means the expression of opinion.

        Would you rather everyone agree to everything that’s posted, regardless of how they truly feel about it? That’s not real conversation. That’s a cheering section.

        Every Day, J.D. mocks my personal preference for fiat currencies on the radio show. Do you hear me crying about it?

        We’re not all going to agree. We get to the truth and the best solutions to problems by putting our heads together, and examining different opinions. That requires discussion, and the expression of opinion.

    2. What, so now I guy can’t post an article about any controversial topic without accusations and name calling. Hey, I don’t believe in Numerology but that doesn’t matter, the Devil Worshippers do and that is why we can’t just summarily dismiss it.

      1. Being overcome by the drive to vindicate my position, here’s my final post.

        I am self-educated since the age of 19. I am ” The Fool On The Hill “. OK. I never fit in and was always “On The Outside Looking In”. Thus, for the last 40 of my 57 years, I haven’t participated, but Observed.

        Now, most of you can’t understand, but no matter. So, you see, I’ve observed things, trends, dynamics, games-in-play, that you’ve been too distracted to perceive. Thus, when I try to communicate, you perceive me as alien, sick, demented, OR, crazy.. Story of my life . . . .

        So, since one JR designated me as crazy, well maybe I am:

        “Day after day, alone on a hill, the man with a foolish grin is keeping perfectly still . . . Nobody seems to like him, they say he’s just a fool, but he never seems to notice, He’s the Fool on the hill, sees the sun going down, and the eyes in his head, see’s the world spinning ’round . . .”.

        So there JR, it’s official, I’m crazy, and you’re correct. EVERYTHING is just ducky . . . Don’t hold your breath too long 😉

        1. Mark, who should give a rat’s ass what J.R. or I think for that matter. Why don’t you guys just exchange emails so you can continue this “pissing match” in private.

  3. Tesla said something about the universe being mathematical, and also more about the significance of 3,6 and 9.? I suck at math and have no idea what to make of 3,6 and 9, but that doesn’t mean that the significance is lesser. Maybe ignorance increases the significance. Whoa. Wait, what?

  4. Mark, WTF Your life sounds like my life, as I have been a misfit all my life. So, this is not a song its real life, get the hell out of the “EGOIC MIND” before it eats you up, come back to “common sense.”

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