The Question no one in the media is asking: Why aren’t we going to war with Mexico and Central America?

Since the Southern border crisis began, we have been discussing how illegal immigrants from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala are crossing our borders and invading our country in mass waves. We have talked about what is happening on our side of the border and how our border patrol agents are trying to deal with the situation. We have even reported how drug cartels and Mexican soldiers are crossing our borders and shooting at our border patrol agents and how the Mexican border patrol is doing absolutely nothing about it.

But one question that no one is asking in the media is, “Why aren’t we going to war with Mexico and Central America?”  

We know that these illegals are being flown in by train, boat and bus and are even swimming across. We know that many of them have to go through Mexico in order to cross the border into our country, yet the Mexican border patrol agents haven’t they laid a finger to help us stop them.

If the Mexican border patrol agents are aiding and abetting the enemy (which most likely they are), that means they are our enemy. That being said, why are we not closing the Southern borders down and preventing people from going in and out of Mexico? If Mexico is supporting the enemy, we should be at war with them.

If we are at war with them, we should close our embassies and send out alerts telling people NOT to travel into that country as they would be in harm’s way. So by allowing people to continue to travel freely into Mexico, isn’t that the same as allowing people to enter or stay in a country that we are basically at war with and thus putting them in harm’s way? Why are there no government alerts?

Just recently, a Mexican helicopter was reported crossing the border and shooting at our border patrol agents. (See here) Then the people on it run back to the Mexican government who “apologizes” to us? Why don’t we respond in kind by sending a drone over there to bomb their border patrol agents and then run back to our government and tell them to “apologize” to them?

Where were the drones watching over the area anyways? How come no drones are being sent to follow them back and bomb their area? How come our military is not en route to go in and storm the country? How come no war plans have been drawn up at the Pentagon to invade Mexico and the rest of Central America? How come this is not be re-broadcasted over and over again on the news?


In addition to that, it is hard to believe that our so-called government is not going to war with Mexico right now when they have went to war over things that were of lesser significance than this.

So why are the mainstream media and the government not beating the war drums? Where are they in all of this? Do they care more about what is happening over in the Middle East than what is happening in their own backyard?

Why are we not bombing or at least threatening to bomb the hell out of Mexico and the other three Central American countries like we do all the time in the Middle East? Where is Obama’s infamous “red line”? What makes the countries and the people in Central America so special?

Because Obama and the criminal government that is in office want us to believe that these illegals are helpless children or “refugees” crossing the border and not rebels or invaders? Because they need them to bring down our country from within? Probably yes to both.

One thing’s for sure, our Zionist government is playing their “war without borders” game at our Southern borders, in order to mix Canada, U.S., Mexico and the rest of Central America by dissolving all of their borders and creating their North American Union.

Since we don’t have a representative government and since our military has been taken over, it is the job of We the People to handle the situation. It is OUR DUTY AS AMERICANS, to fight back and do all we can to stop this madness.

Illegal immigrants are being shipped to abandoned Walmart facilities (see here), military bases, bus stations, probably even abandoned sports arenas where they are housed, fed and given preferential treatment. If the government can’t bring them in through the Southern border, they are flying them over the border on commercial and charter planes or by boat at taxpayer’s expense. Many are not even being vaccinated or given a health check.

One may think that if we do decide to invade Mexico and Central America, that Obama and his DHS minions will just release them all onto the streets at once and let them attack us while we are away. It’s almost like he’s got us in check saying, “If you make your move across the border, I’ll release the hounds”.

Don’t forget that DHS has ordered billions of rounds of ammunition to be sent to the Social Security administration, Department of Education, the Postal service, the Park service, NOAA, etc. These are all likely places for DHS to send and house these invaders like they are doing now. If they are housed there, all it takes is one person to hand over the weapons and ammo to them and send them out into the streets to create an all out war.



Is it going to take bloodshed on the streets and your families butchered alive to see it?

The time has come for us to stop whatever we are doing and do all we can to protect our country and put an end to the reign of terror being perpetrated by these international criminals in DC.

No more talk. No more leaving it for another day or for someone else to deal with. It is here and it is now. It is EVERY American’s problem and it is EVERY American’s responsibility to do something about it.

We must all band together, form militias and unite to seal our borders, expel these invaders, arrest the gangsters in DC and restore our country.

The time to act is NOW!


One thought on “The Question no one in the media is asking: Why aren’t we going to war with Mexico and Central America?

  1. Yes NC, you are right on all accounts, I believe americans are broke in the mind, they are trying to keep up with the sh.t on television and living their fantasy. My question is, who will the cops and swat teams side with when the gangs are killing black and white Americans?

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