The Riddle

On the planet :Number 7: just a stone’s throw from heaven
There is an Evil :unbeknown: to the children that are growing there.

It’s a world :desecrated: by the monster in the man
There are no shadows in the forest, there are no fish out in the ocean.

But there is hope in the direction of the falling of the :sun:
There comes a :simple: peaceful teacher who will face the evil ones.

In a war for :forever: for the soul of the man
Is there not a single one among you who can truly :understand:?

Or is it time for a :long-lost: lullaby?
Take your mother’s hand and kiss her :sweet goodbye:.

2 thoughts on “The Riddle

  1. No lullaby for the losing team
    Leader, your face is clearly seen
    If I cannot match your ascendancy
    At your side I’ll fight the atrocity

    To those who do not recognize
    Your role to break through all the lies
    I give to them a decade’s trove
    Your thoughts and work wherein you wove
    A path out of the tyranny
    attending to the fear in me
    awakening a fierce aggression
    fed by freedom’s live obsession
    to kill what kills the light in man
    and live a free man on the land

    Without you ever pointing the way
    Leader, I’d have had to stay
    in ignorance and captivity
    but you restored my dignity
    And the dignified never accept a lie
    We speak this clear: live truth or die


  2. Second attempt at solving the riddle, since it seems it has not yet been solved.

    Perhaps it is about The Trench going away, ceasing to make itself available when much comes to no avail. Perhaps it’s a command to see, or be blocked from seeing certain somethings that emanate from The Trench. Perhaps it is a swan song, or a warning: rise or say bye.

    Riddle me this: Will the riddle ever be solved, or revealed? Seems there is a code to crack. Visions of nihilism, of global nuclear destruction, of giving up? But in The Trench there never was or is any giving up. A riddle is a challenge. What Trencher can leave a challenge unmet?

    And these words: “… there is hope in the direction of the falling of the sun.” Hmmm… the direction of the falling of the sun. Is that not West? But how far west? At some point West becomes East.

    If I do not solve the riddle it will not be for lack of trying, even at the cost of showing some unsettled or strange thinking.


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