Senescent Joe Biden Drops To His Knees During Meeting With Israel’s President To Show His Respect

Christians for Truth

Joe Biden’s mental deterioration is progressing rapidly — and the mainstream media is under a gag order not to talk about it, no matter how outlandish, inappropriate, and humiliating his behavior:

President Joe Biden made an unusual gesture of respect for the chief of staff of his Israeli counterpart earlier this week.

President Reuven Rivlin and his chief of staff and bureau chief Rivka Ravitz met with President Biden in the Oval Office Monday, during President Rivlin’s final trip to the US while in office.

While speaking with Rivlin and Ravitz, Biden learned that Ravitz has twelve children, prompting him to kneel down before her.

I have a picture of my mother here,” Biden said during the meeting, “You must see who she was.”

After the meeting, Rivlin told reporters he believes Biden is a ‘friend of Israel’ and that he is working to ensure Israel’s safety.

Biden also met with President Rivlin’s daughter, telling reporters he spoke with the Rivlins about their family.

I’m so delighted his daughter is here. She’s in the back right there. And I got to — I got to meet her and talk about our kids and grandkids and all the like.”

Though Biden has clearly lost most of his marbles, he still understands — somewhere in the recesses of what’s left of his mind — that he must genuflect and show respect to the Zionist capo — Reuven Rivlin — and his entourage.

This isn’t the first time Biden has mumbled incoherently and inappropriately about his mother during his short presidency — he obviously spent his life trying to please her and seek her approval.

When Biden met with Queen Elizabeth, all he could think to say about the event was that she reminded him of his mother.

Of course, when Biden found out that Rivlin’s chief of staff had 12 children, he must have felt like a kid in a candy store — imagining all the inappropriate groping and fondling of his glory days.

But as long as he remains a “friend of Israel,” Joe Biden will remain the presidential figure head — and in many ways, Israel couldn’t ask for a better — more compliant — “friend.”

Christians for Truth

10 thoughts on “Senescent Joe Biden Drops To His Knees During Meeting With Israel’s President To Show His Respect

  1. Well of course that senile, mummified buffoon dropped to his knees in reverence of his Zionist masters! Does that honestly surprise anyone?!?

    1. There’s no need to be unkind. 12 kids? That’s enough to make any old hair sniffer hyperventilate and go weak in the knees.

      1. Facetious overtone acknowledged (I love good cynicism like that), that being said, there are plenty of reasons to be “unkind” to that usurper/pedophile.

  2. I bet they’re all broken up jimmy saville and gary glitter couldn’t be there to join in the festivities.

  3. Come on, people. I’m sure the senile old bastard just accidentally tripped and fell to his knees again.


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