The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline | James Perloff

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Published on Jun 9, 2012 by LibertyInOurTime

James Perloff exposes the subversive roots and global designs of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Passed off as a think-tank this group is the “power behind the throne” with hundreds of top-appointed government officials drawn from its ranks – regardless of which party has occupied the White House. It began in 1921 as a front organization for J.P. Morgan and Company and by World War II it had acquired unrivaled influence on American foreign policy. In this presentation Mr. Perloff traces the CFR’s activity from the Wilson to Bush administrations.

Links to informative readings and media presentations further exposing the Council on Foreign Relations and the emerging “New World Order”:

Council On Foreign Relations: Influencing American Government
Despite promises of “change,” as uttered by Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and now Barack Obama, successive presidential administrations have in common the fact that important posts are staffed by individuals from the same small organizations— who direct our nation’s policies.

An Internationalist Primer
For many decades the Council on Foreign Relations has been the reservoir of this nation’s globalist “wise men” and their new world order schemes.

No Accident: The Continuing Betrayal of American Interests Is a Matter of Policy

Why We Fought
Despite popular misconceptions, Americas involvement in WWII was brought on not by isolationism but by globalism—a concerted, clandestine effort to build world government.

Pearl Harbor: The Facts Behind the Fiction
The raid on Pearl Harbor took the U.S. Pacific Fleet by surprise, but back in Washington, the Roosevelt administration was fully aware of the coming onslaught.

Pearl Harbor: Motives Behind the Betrayal
No explanation of Pearl Harbor is more consistent with the facts than to cast blame for the treachery on pro-Communist and globalist influences within FDR’s administration.

Framework for World Government
From the moment State Department planners in the Roosevelt administration began crafting plans for the United Nations, their goal was always the same: world government.

World Government, Take Three
Those who wish to empower a global institution with the authority to govern all people and countries have suffered repeated setbacks, but they are forging ahead.

World Government by Design

Tendrils of Tyranny
The United Nations has long sought to control all aspects of human endeavor. Its vast bureaucracy is now closer to that goal than ever before.

The UN Is NOT Your Friend
Behind the mask of peace, brotherhood, and universal understanding, the United Nations promotes terror and tyranny in order to achieve its real objective: world government.

Globalism’s Growing Grasp
The cause of world government is coming out of the closet and into the open. But behind the mask of a benign new world order lies the true face of tyranny.

Building World Order

The UN’s Millennial “Mandate”

A Timely Proposal
Rep. Ron Paul has reintroduced H.R. 1146, a measure that would end U.S. involvement in the United Nations. With anti-UN sentiment growing, the time may be right to Get US out!

The UN “Reform” Bandwagon

A World Without the UN

UN Clichés: A Few Tired Bromides

Obama Defends Military Intervention at UN, Calls for More

Obama at UN, Calls for “Change … New Era of Engagement”

The NATO/UN Army: Perpetual War … and Bankruptcy for U.S.

President Obama Quietly Promotes a More Powerful NATO

NATO: The UN’s Military Arm

NATO and the Global Advance

“Hat in Hand,” on “Bended Knee”
After supposedly breaking with the UN over the Iraq War, the Bush administration has not only come to the UN as supplicant but is pushing for a UN standing army.

Bring on the Peacekeepers?

Toward a Global Police State
Under both republican and democratic administrations, the U.S. government has been implementing a decades-old strategy to make the UN the most powerful force on earth.

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