The Strange Case of Barrack Hussein Obama Part 2

Hagmann and Hagmann – by Mitch Santell

Last night I was walking the dog and it was a lovely evening. The crickets sounded like they do on most California evenings. The longer I walked the longer my mind drifted to the past. First, I started thinking about the kind of world my grandchildren would live in after I pass on. Second, I thought about my parents and how they were crazy in love with each other for 48 years until my Father passed away in 2004. Third, I started thinking about something called “The Saturday Night Massacre.” Do you remember it? Have you ever heard of it? If you know your history and you are like me, you wish it would happen again. Take a look at this video and then continue to read “The Strange Case of Barrack Hussein Obama Part 2….”.  

In order to bring you into the present, I’d like you to watch this short from October 21, 1973:

This is what Carroll Kilpatrick, a Washington Post Staff Writer had to say about the Saturday Night Massacre:

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus.

The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases.

Shortly after the White House announcement, FBI agents sealed off the offices of Richardson and Ruckelshaus in the Justice Department and at Cox’s headquarters in an office building on K Street NW.

An FBI spokesman said the agents moved in “at the request of the White House.”

These dramatic developments were announced at the White House at 8:25 p.m. after Cox had refused to accept or comply with the terms of an agreement worked out by the President and the Senate Watergate committee under which summarized material from the White House Watergate tapes would be turned over to Cox and the Senate committee.

Here is the entire original article that Carroll wrote:

Along the way many people have warned us about Obama and none of us took it seriously because he was a “black man.” Well, here is a picture of Obama with his Mom and Dad and Obama’s Mom looks like the sister of Paul McCartney.


We still don’t know who this guy really is and why does him Mom look like the sister of Paul McCartney?

As a radio and music producer, as a man often described by others as a “media activist,” it is the words of Alan Keyes on this video that haunt me the most:

Obama in my view is not a bad man. Obama does not know the history of our country. Why? For a guy who taught constitutional law he sure doesn’t want this country run under the U.S. Constitution or the rule of law.

We don’t know who Obama really is. Do you know? Even celebrities are getting upset.

Here is what Alan Keyes had to say earlier in 2013:

Here is what our President had to say in 2008 and in 2012. It is very convenient that Hurricane Sandy happened during the election week of 2012 and it’s a great to know that according to Dr. John Hall, “70 per cent of America is brain washed.”

So here we are in 2013, here is what our President would like us to know. Is this new?

Here is a profound statement from a woman I sincerely admire and respect:


Here are some final clues and observations which I will share with you after you watch. Ready? First let’s look at Obama’s very first weekly address after being “selected president.” By the way, a company in  SPAIN was hired to count the votes. If you have not had a chance, do your own research on this….okay okay, here is a link to the article for those of you who are skeptics.

Spanish Company Will “Count” American Votes Overseas In November

Now I want you to watch the first address after the Obama Spain  “vote count” from Spain in 2008:

It is worth watching the previous clip. Why? Here is what Obama had to say for this week:

My final observation as of this moment on Sunday, September 15, 2013:

Things continue to move forward in my humble view on very unstable ground. Obama took America from “Change We Need” to “We Need Change.” 53% of Americans have to live on an income of 30,000 dollars a year or less. We used to be the number one middle class country in the world and now we are 27th. We have 101 Million people on food stamps (with distribution through ATM style cards) and there is no funding for food stamps in 2014. According to our financial contributor “V,” there are over 400,000 pages of new legislation that will hit the books in January of 2014.

My action plan is: peaceful, non-violent, non-compliance staying out of the way of the “blue meanies.”


Here is part one: The Strange Case of Barrack Hussein Obama Part 1

5 thoughts on “The Strange Case of Barrack Hussein Obama Part 2

  1. When those 101 million, food assistance folks
    are hung out to dry, at the first of the year.
    What will ensue is two things; 1) People starving
    and doing what ever they can to feed their families.
    2) Others becoming slaves to the state for their very
    With the arrival of new regulations at the first of the year, many of which like we’ve already seen.
    Overbearing and far reaching, illegal laws, written by pompous politicians.
    This current Regime has, and is, doing all it can to bring this Republic to it’s knees.
    And in the process, like the greedy miser who wrings his hands with glee, this Regime desires to enact martial laws. In order to cement their position of a Tyrannical, Dictatorial, and Oppressive Warlord.
    As these enemy elements plot and plan,
    American Patriots will Welcome the opportunity to
    send this Regime, and it’s CREATURES, back to the
    PIT from which it crawled out of.
    “The wise man always plans for the inevitable”
    Arm, Equip, and Train as Militia.
    For the storm is upon us …..
    And there’s NO turning back !

  2. I like Doug Hagmann’s thorough investigative skills. He is piecing together a history that I too began to see developing way back when Obama was Senator and campaigning for Presidential status. I saw right through his lies and double speak.

    I tried to warn my friends (on an off the internet), my family and my coworkers only to be seen, and thought of, as a conspiracy theorist and most have since distanced themselves from me.

    I wonder now if they may have changed their minds a bit at all? Or maybe their lives aren’t uncomfortable enough yet? Maybe when the guacamole hits their front door they will remember my words.

    C’est la vie . . .
    . . .

    1. Yes Cathleen, Many of us experienced this.
      It’s the “white guilt” that the social engineers
      placed in the minds of the weak minded folks.
      That both voted for the cretan and distanced
      themselves from us.
      As I’ve noticed, some do regret their bad choice.
      Sad, most would ever admit it.
      So they carry on, in a crowd of like minded losers.
      So as not to be alone…
      for as you know, misery loves company.
      I too saw the lies being placed before the public
      about this Creature from the PIT.
      For I, like others, did my homework.
      And didn’t rely on others.
      You see, that attitude is what got us here in the
      first place….
      Expecting others to their job for them.
      We didn’t, and we have clear consciences.
      Others, well, they have mental anguish to
      deal with now. If they have a conscience at all.

  3. i also have been warning people for a very long time, not when he was Senator cause I wasn’t intune to any senators…..Since he has gotten into the WH….I have been speaking against this fraud, warning all who would talk of the problem…and here it is! Just as I thought.and have known for so long.
    I believe legally, he is subject to the uniform code of military justice…and there by could be arrested by the military, placed in prison, no bail, charged and put on trial…and dealt with in that manner………
    it needs to be done

  4. “Obama in my view is not a bad man. ”
    Really? Seriously? WTF?! Then, what, in this author’s view, does constitute a bad man?

    Being from Illinois, I have been warning people about Oblah blah since he stole first the State senate seat, then the US senate seat. Thanks mostly to the actress Jeri Ryan going to the press, who was more than happy to broadcast far and wide, the dirt on her husband, Jack Ryan, being a “swinger”. Jack Ryan was running against Oblah blah for the US Senate seat from Illinois. Ryan was so far ahead of Oblah blah the race was practically over before election day. Jeri came out with her story late summer and the bottom fell out of her husband’s campaign. Then the Illinois republican party brought in Alan Keyes in August to finish the race, but it was over. That is how Oblah blah got his leg up and won the US senate seat and the rest is now history.

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