The True History of the Southwest – by Matthew Bracken, 2014

Resister in the Rockies

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“The True History of the Southwest,” by Matthew Bracken, 2014

The fallacies surrounding the history of the Southwest are staggering, chief among them the “Aztlan” fairy tales. What is the truth? How did the Spanish Europeans conquer the Southwest? The “conquistadores” (that means “conquerors”) did it with the lance, and the lash.

For example, in 1541 Coronado entered present-day New Mexico (which included present-day Arizona during the Spanish era) searching for the “lost cities of gold.” One of his first actions upon meeting the natives was to burn hundreds of them alive in their dwellings for not handing over suspected horse thieves. That is how Spain conquered the natives of the present US Southwest—not with hugs and kisses. It was certainly no love-fest between long-lost brown-skinned soul-mates, as it is often portrayed today by the delusional Aztlaners, who spin the “new bronze race of Mestizos” toro-mierda fable.

By 1821, Mexico City was strong enough to overthrow the even more decrepit and ineffectual Spanish colonial rule. However, the distant provinces of the current U.S. Southwest were far beyond the reach of the authority of the independent but strife-torn and financially insolvent newborn government in Mexico City. These distant northern provinces received neither military protection nor needed levels of trade from the nascent Mexican government. Under Spanish colonial rule, trade with the USA was forbidden, but at least Spain provided trade and Army protection from hostile Indian attacks. Under Mexican abandonment and neglect, the Southwest received neither trade nor protection from Mexico City.

For example, Comanches and Apaches ran rampant in the 1830s in the power vacuum created by Mexican neglect, burning scores of major ranches that had been active for hundreds of years and massacring their inhabitants. Mexico City could neither defend nor keep the allegiance of its nominal subjects in these regions. Nor did it provide needed levels of trade to sustain the prior Spanish colonial era standard of living. Mexican governmental influence atrophied, withered and died at the same time that American pathfinders were opening up new routes into the region.

Increasingly, a growing United States of America was making inroads into the Southwest, via ships into California, and via wagon trains of trade goods over the Santa Fe Trail from St. Louis. The standard of living of the Spanish inhabitants of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas subsequently increased enormously, which is why they did not support Mexico City in the 1846-48 war. In fact, the Spanish-speaking inhabitants of the Southwest never considered themselves “Mexicans” at all, ever. They went, in their own eyes, from Spanish directly to American. To this very day, if you want a punch in the nose, just call a Hispanic native of New Mexico a “Mexican.”

So how long did these self-proclaimed (but newborn), free and independent Mexican governments have even nominal jurisdiction over the American Southwest? For only 25 years, during which time they had no effective control, and the area slipped backwards by every measure until the arrival of the Americans. The Spanish inhabitants of the Southwest never transferred their loyalty from Madrid to Mexico City, because all they received from the chaotic Mexican governments was misrule, neglect, and unchecked Indian raids.

Since then, how long has the area been under firm American control? For over 160 continuous years, during which time the former Spanish inhabitants of the region, (all the while full American citizens), have prospered beyond the wildest dreams of the Mexicans still stuck in Mexico. To compare the infrastructure, roads, schools, hospitals etc. of the two regions is to understand the truth. The Mexican government has been mired in endemic graft, corruption, nepotism and chaos from the very start until today. The ordinary Mexican peons have been trampled and abused, while only the super-rich elites have thrived. This is why millions of Mexicans want to escape from Mexico today, to enjoy the benefits of living in America that they can never hope to obtain in Mexico.

And because today Mexico is a corrupt third-world pest-hole (despite having more millionaires and billionaires than Great Britain), we are supposed to let any number of Mexicans from Chiapas, Michoacán or Yucatan march into the American Southwest, and make some “historical claim” of a right to live there? From where does this absurd idea spring?

At what point in history did Indians and Mestizos from Zacatecas or Durango stake a claim on the American Southwest? (2014 update: Add the citizens of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and any other nation who can reach our unguarded border.) Neither they nor their ancestors ever lived for one single day in the American Southwest. The Spanish living in the Southwest in 1846 stayed there, and became Americans by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. There were no Spanish inhabitants of the Southwest who were marched to the border and driven into Mexico. It didn’t happen. The Spanish in the Southwest welcomed American citizenship, which brought stability, protection from Indian raids, and a vast increase in their standard of living with the increase in trade with America.

In summary, no current inhabitants of Mexico (or Guatemala, etc.) have a claim on even one single inch of the American Southwest. Not one single citizen of Mexico is sneaking into the United States to reclaim property their ancestors were deprived of. Not one. They are criminal invaders and colonizers, pure and simple.

It’s time Americans learned the true history of our Southwest, as a counter to the currently prevalent “Aztlan” fairy tales put out by “La Raza” (The Race), “the Brown Berets of Aztlan,” “MEChA” (the Student Movement for Aztlan, whose very symbol is a lit “mecha” or fuse on a dynamite bomb), and other radical (and usually openly communist) anti-American groups.

2014 post script: The U.S. Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4, still mandates that the executive branch—President Barack Obama—must protect the states against invasion. Instead of protecting the states from invasion, our rogue president and his gangster henchmen are now intentionally and with forethought laying open our national borders, and are encouraging and assisting the invaders.

How is this not treason?


5 thoughts on “The True History of the Southwest – by Matthew Bracken, 2014

  1. Just a few comments that vary in what they address but are part of the overall history of our country and South America.
    Firstly: Mexico rivaled and even surpassed Spain and Europe in its sophisticated and elaborate education and culture up until 1750, up until the Freemasonic revolutions began to tear Mexico apart and destroy its place as one of the most advanced and civilized cultures in the world. To this day, Freemasonry rules in Mexico, corrupt and satanic, subjugating the peoples to a life of misery and despair, of drugs and oppression, and having destroyed the amazing civilized culture it once had under “Spanish” rule.

    Secondly: When the first Spanish Conquistadors first entered what is now America or Arizona, they encountered a tribe that asked the Spanish soldiers if they had any priests with them. Note – these Indians had never seen a white man, nor had any Europeans been in this area since time began.. The Indians had all been sufficiently catechized in the Catholic faith and wanted to be baptized. Amazed, the Spanish, who had priests with them, asked the Indians how in the world had they learned the Christian faith, to which they responded that a woman “the Blue Sister” had visited them hundreds of times and had taught them the Christian faith, this woman told them that priest would come one day to baptize them, and here they were. After hearing the testimony of the Indians, their description of this “Blue Sister”, her name and even where she said she lived in a land called Spain, word was sent back to the Bishop in Mexico, who in turn when to Spain to find this “Blue sister”. It was discovered that Sister Mary of Agreda, a nun in a cloistered convent in Spain was the woman described by the Indians. Sister Mary had “bilocated” over 600 times” with the help of angels, to these tribes in the New World; she had never left the convent as she was cloistered and forbidden to leave. She described the Chiefs, their camps, their wives, children, etc and all by name. Astonishing, but true.

    The story in this article if rife with inaccuracies and biases with some minor truths in-between to give it a flair of being believed.

    Another point to mention is that at least two (2) well preserved buried bodies have been discovered in the Southwest that date hundreds of years “prior” to the Indian’s, the finding and forensic reports of these two bodies have been suppressed by both the government and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. You see , both these bodies are of “European Descent” both are clothed in European materials and of European DNA, proof that at one time, hundreds of years ago, Europeans were the first to inhabit the Southwest. Note: Also that in China they have found whole villages of well preserved burial sites that pre-date any Asian cultures or inhabitants, of “White Europeans”. All very interesting.

    We also know now that they have found mumified bodies in the highest hills of the Andies in Peru that pre-date any of the Spanish, and they are full of the viruses and diseases that the Spanish were accused of bringing to S. America, meaning these diseases and viruses already were their prior. Then add how the early South American tibes cultures were all found to be cannibalistic, of the 80,000 or more a year the Aztec’s sacrficed from surrounding natives by tearing out their hearts to sacrifice to the serpent god “Satanic” worship.

    What we find is that for near 200 years, the public education system in America has taught years of adulterated lies and hid the real histories of both our country and world, that public education has been nothing but indoctrination into atheism, false history, Marxism, and even satanism.

  2. Good article, Dorothy.

    Most of what’s written in the ‘history’ books is either major embellishment of SOME truth, or outright lies.

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