4 thoughts on “The Truth about Syria’s Golan Heights and #GenieEnergy

  1. It’s about who got the bigger guns and who going to take the oil it’s alway been this way right are wrong . But I like how she pointed out who setting on the board that going to steal what’s not there’s . What a world we could have if we didn’t have they men around that think they own everything that all of are

  2. Rothschilds. This fact must be constantly brought up in arguments relating to anything about Israel–Rothschild, a SATANIST, OWNS 70% (more or less) or Israel. Meaning, SATAN controls Israel (using the Sanhedrin, which is becoming more and more powerful in Israel, which is turning into a theocracy…the same religious body that CRUCIFIED my Lord and Savior Christ!). Meaning, SATAN also controls FRUMP. Put that in your pipes and smoke it, Christian Zionists!

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