Think Tank: “Extraordinary Crisis” Needed to Preserve “New World Order”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Writing for the Atlantic Council, a prominent think tank based in Washington DC, Harlan K. Ullman warns that an “extraordinary crisis” is needed to preserve the “new world order,” which is under threat of being derailed by non-state actors like Edward Snowden.

The Atlantic Council is considered to be a highly influential organization with close ties to major policy makers across the world. It’s headed up by Gen. Brent Scowcroft, former United States National Security Advisor under U.S. Presidents Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush. Snowcroft has also advised President Barack Obama.  

Harlan K. Ullman was the principal author of the “shock and awe” doctrine and is now Chairman of the Killowen Group which advises government leaders.

In an article entitled War on Terror Is not the Only Threat, Ullman asserts that, “tectonic changes are reshaping the international geostrategic system,” arguing that it’s not military superpowers like China but “non-state actors” like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and anonymous hackers who pose the biggest threat to the “365 year-old Westphalian system” because they are encouraging individuals to become self-empowered, eviscerating state control.

“Very few have taken note and fewer have acted on this realization,” notes Ullman, lamenting that “information revolution and instantaneous global communications” are thwarting the “new world order” announced by U.S. President George H.W. Bush more than two decades ago.

“Without an extraordinary crisis, little is likely to be done to reverse or limit the damage imposed by failed or failing governance,” writes Ullman, implying that only another 9/11-style cataclysm will enable the state to re-assert its dominance while “containing, reducing and eliminating the dangers posed by newly empowered non-state actors.”

Ullman concludes that the elimination of non-state actors and empowered individuals “must be done” in order to preserve the new world order. A summary of their material suggests that the Atlantic Council’s definition of a “new world order” is a global technocracy run by a fusion of big government and big business under which individuality is replaced by transhumanist singularity.

Ullman’s rhetoric sounds somewhat similar to that espoused by Trilateral Commission co-founder and regular Bilderberg attendee Zbigniew Brzezinski, who in 2010 told a Council on Foreign Relations meeting that a “global political awakening,” in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move towards a one world government.

Ullman’s implied call for an “extraordinary crisis” to reinvigorate support for state power and big government has eerie shades of the Project For a New American Century’s 1997 lament that “absent some catastrophic catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor,” an expansion of U.S. militarism would have been impossible.

In 2012, Patrick Clawson, member of the influential pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) think tank, also suggested that the United States should launch a staged provocation to start a war with Iran.

Ullman’s concern over failing state institutions having their influence eroded by empowered individuals, primarily via the Internet, is yet another sign that the elite is panicking over the “global political awakening” that has most recently expressed itself via the actions of people like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and their growing legion of supporters.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

17 thoughts on “Think Tank: “Extraordinary Crisis” Needed to Preserve “New World Order”

  1. Man, this stuff just makes my head spin! I can think of at least one “extraordinary crisis” – the instant vaporization of that council!

  2. So these guys want to kill two birds with one stone depopulate the planet and form a new central global government. Others see to want to depopulate first and then form the new government. Others want to take more time and let the population decrease more naturally and then form the government of a Type 1 planet. It seems that we will either make this big leap to become a Type 1 planet, or we will become extinct.

  3. “It’s headed up by Gen. Brent Scowcroft, former United States National Security Advisor under U.S. Presidents Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush. Snowcroft has also advised President Barack Obama.”

    Snowcroft? Haha! Must have been a Freudian slip there, Paul.

    ““Without an extraordinary crisis, little is likely to be done to reverse or limit the damage imposed by failed or failing governance,” writes Ullman, implying that only another 9/11-style cataclysm will enable the state to re-assert its dominance while “containing, reducing and eliminating the dangers posed by newly empowered non-state actors.””

    I agree that unless something big happens, both sides are at a stalemate, as neither one wants to make the first real big move.

    The elite want another 9/11 incident, thinking after all of the false flag operations and their 9% approval rating and the fact that we have treasonous criminals and a foreign government in office, that we will just all of a sudden, miraculously forgive them and all unite under one big happy UN/NWO family.

    BULLSHIT! That’s how psychotic these elitists assholes think.

    We the people want something to happen so we can all stand up and unite under one common goal to initiate the restoration of our country and to arrest these treasonous criminals and foreign government that we have for acts of sedition and hang them all for high treason.

    That’s why I think it imperative and cannot stress enough that we cut off or takeover the MSM communications on TV like CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc. Once that happens, the sheeple will be out of their hypnotic trance and awakened.

    The MSM and our government are trying to cutoff and takeover our alternative media. It’s time we fight back and takeover their MSM communications. It’s time we take them out before they take us out.

    Communication is the first thing you must take out or control in any given war in order to win.

    1. Tea Party seems to of beat you to it from what I have seen.

      They are routinely villified for seeking to restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

      The heavier the flak the closer you are to the target.

      1. The Tea Party has no idea what the Constitution means. Otherwise they wouldn’t be joining alongside the Republicans nor would they nominate Rand, “Benedict Arnold” Paul or Ted “I’m Canadian or maybe American or maybe Mexican” Cruz for President.

        The Tea Party is nothing more than a party of idiots who should be thrown overboard with the rest of the Boston Tea and the Redcoats for being traitors to the cause.

        1. Yep. Can’t think of any one in politics who is working on behalf of the American people. The Tea Party is no exception.

    2. Hey, maybe we should just start our own GOVERNMENT called the “Constitutional Government”, which is to follow and enforce the existing Constitution!

  4. My apologies if I am wearing this out, but all of california and parts of southern oregon are in extreme draught never seen in history..National Weather Service came out today and said no rain for 3 more months. Which means no water. Many counties are already in state of emergency etc blah blah….Forest fires already starting in northern california which is unprecedented in January. All of california will be a wasteland this summer and we get MUCH food from there which wont be…research it yourself. This is bad, bad, bad…

    1. Yea, I’ve been hearing Henry complain about that, too. Sorry to hear that. It looks pretty bad out there. Make sure you stock up on food and water. It’s going to be a rough 3 months. Good luck.

  5. Just like the 9-11 incident when there was the report ( one year before)saying that the American wouldn’t give up their rights unless a “Pearl Harbor Type” event happened on American soil.
    This is NOT about Snowden, but if it is, it just goes to show that Snowden is a patsy, and that he was intended to, and ordered to, do what he has done, so that they could nuke America, or do whatever…in order to bring the people into “compliance.”
    The above report, if true, signals an elevation of the Elites desire to eliminate us.
    I have only three words to say: Bring it on!!!
    And add this, too: Don’t fear my firearms, for I have none. But Fear my God, for I have an abundance of Him. Dying doesn’t bother me, for I know that I need not fear the Reaper, but on Judgement Day, the Reaper WILL fear me. That I CAN promise.

    1. Michael, I absolutely love that last part of your comment. May God Bless you and keep you safe. Amen, brother!

      As much as I encourage everyone to purchase a gun to protect themselves in the coming days, I agree that in the end only God is the one who can fully protect us all when the time comes. Fear God, don’t fear man nor the Reaper of man.

  6. I think my mother knew me in the womb and named me Stephen.. The first martyr, spoke the truth and got stoned 🙂 I mean with rocks not MJ 🙂 altho 🙂 anyway, I like what Michael said also…Because when they stoned Stephen, the Bible says he “slept”. Interesting. I love you guys/gals.

  7. “Without an extraordinary crisis, little is likely to be done to reverse or limit the damage imposed by failed or failing governance,” writes Ullman, implying that only another 9/11-style cataclysm will enable the state to re-assert its dominance while “containing, reducing and eliminating the dangers posed by newly empowered non-state actors.”

    Guaranteed the next won’t be blamed on Muslims.

    Christians will be taking the fall for that one.

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