This is Why People are Upset with Police — 6 Cops Swarm Man for “Stepping Off Sidewalk”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

An infuriating video of a man being harassed by San Diego police was uploaded to Youtube highlighting the asinine persecution doled out by those sworn to protect.

In this short video, a man was simply walking down the sidewalk when he noticed multiple cop cars stalking him. So, he began to film them.

The cops had apparently targetted him, and there was nothing that he was going to do to prevent his harassment. While he was filming the police cruisers, the man merely took one step off of the curb and the officers used this as their trigger to attack.  

All of the sudden multiple units pull up and swarm this man who had done nothing wrong.

“Did I do anything wrong?” asks the man.

“You stepped off the curb!” assert the cops who are obviously far more interested in shaking down an innocent black man than they are with solving actual crimes.

“You stepped off the curb,” another officer says as if he’s robbed an old lady at gunpoint. The gang of officers then surround the man and place him in handcuffs as the video ends.

This video epitomizes the reason so many people have contempt for police in America. There is no protection here, there is no service. There is only harassment, followed by deprivations of rights, and most likely followed by an act of extortion — for stepping off of a curb.

Meanwhile, the San Diego police department has thousands of untested rape kits they refuse to investigate. After all, why investigate real crime when you can shake down poor people for petty offenses and force them to pay you money?

Below is the video that should be used as training for police in America — to show officers exactly why people are losing faith in the blue line.


10 thoughts on “This is Why People are Upset with Police — 6 Cops Swarm Man for “Stepping Off Sidewalk”

  1. “The cops had apparently targetted him, and there was nothing that he was going to do to prevent his harassment. While he was filming the police cruisers,…”

    At that point, there was nothing he could do. He practically demanded harassment by merely filming the pigs. Granted, he has every LEGAL right to do so, but there isn’t that fine a line between legality and common sense these days.

    Common sense dictates that you don’t piss off psychopaths with guns, even if you have every right to do so… legally.

    That can get you dead, and the psychopaths won’t even be charged with your murder.

  2. They’re no better than any other street gang, and they’re far more more dangerous because they’re above the law.

    There can be no freedom or constitutional rights as long as these thugs are allowed to prowl our streets robbing, raping, and killing people.

    1. “This is Why People are Upset with Police — 6 Cops Swarm Man for “Stepping Off Sidewalk”

      “THIS” doesn’t even begin to tell the story.

  3. Yet more proof that BAD / Corrupt Cops are the norm not the exception.

    IMO there are only 2 kinds of Cops:
    -Corrupt Ones
    -Ones to Chicken shit to turn in the corrupt ones.

    Any good Cops are either forced out or quit in disgust

    1. There is no such thing as a “Good Cop”. They have sworn to enforce all laws no matter how good, bad, or stupid. The cop will enforce the stupid laws. There is no such thing as a good cop.

  4. Any more if i see them, i go a different way..
    if i walk out of somewhere and they are trolling the parking lot , i’ll go back in and wait them out , im not going to give them a chance to follow me to harass me

    i try to avoid them like the plague

  5. That happen to me back in ’69, I was hitchhiking from Maine to southern Ca. The folks, I was hitching with have me a bag of weed and so I was hitchhiking for another ride and stepped off the curb. They arrested me jailed me over night, this was LA, no charges.

  6. If a policy enforcer has to decide weather to protect the slave or protect a slave master, the enforcer will always protect the slave master. I wish people would get the idea out of their heads that the enforcers are there to serve and protect the average Citizen (aka the slave.)

  7. Cops, bullied in school as youths, go into “law enforcement” to help cure their inferiority complex they grew up with. Psychologically damaged, that’s what qualified them for “pig” school.

    It’s the same weasey, tattletale whimps we all grew up with, in search of the balls they never had to begin with. Now, they got their tin star and “balls ‘O steel”. Look out, the high school wimp, on a mission of revenge for all the abuse he/she endured growing up, may be pulling you over tonight after a fight with his/her lover.

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