Thomas Jefferson – The Judiciary

The germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible body – working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall render powerless the check of one branch over the other and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.
Thomas Jefferson

6 thoughts on “Thomas Jefferson – The Judiciary

  1. This was a man whom had seen the threat on the horizon and said there is a storm coming. A watchman even more so in this day.

  2. Would this be a different country if Jefferson was around during the Convention?
    The Elitists sent Jefferson to France as Franklin’s diplomatic replacement so he would not speak against the proposed constitution which was hated by the general population.

    1. Seems that most of the general population hate the Constitution now. That is, credit to the decades of Socialist teachings and programming. How in the Hell’s Bells are we going to get out of this mess?

      1. Well, of course Morningstar, our communist controlled schools “brainwash” our children into believing that social conformity is “freedom” and any one that behaves otherwise is belittled, cast aside, and socially isolated from “The Popular Ones”. Yeah, if your not “cool”, you ain’t “in”, or so they say. We never bothered going there.

        My kids stirred some stuff when they graced the high school in town, one made the paper making a statement, a Dad couldn’t be so proud!

        1. Millard~
          Excellent! and congrats on raising such fine young men. I too have been very proud of our children (although they needed a swift kick from time to time). Nowadays such young men and women are a rare find and without them our country is pretty much doomed.

          Over the past few years many of my fellow seniors have been so incredibly disappointed and heart broken when their children come marching home from college as young islamic-tolerant socialists. The worst thing is having to deal with is the stench of the ‘Guardianship Movement’ from these adult-children. They want to freeload off of their parents and/or take control of their finances and livelihoods. And the courts will not help them – often times making things worse.

          I was shocked that a few of my friends were selling their life-long homes and moving into senior communities (adult-children not allowed to live there) because they rather give it all up now than to have it all taken away later only to wind up in an unpleasant place not of their choosing.

          I just can’t imagine why this happens in our society or why some of our children want to run off and join terrorist groups. And you are right, the communist controlled schools have brainwashed (most of) our children.

          Common Core Articles – BNI:

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