Tices Shoal Boaters Angry Over Island Beach State Parks $3 beach access charge.

S1110142Tices Shoal – by OceanCountyJournal.com

For 30+ years Tices Shoal has been the Boaters Summer Party Hot Spot, located on the bayside of Island Beach State Park, Tices Shoal has been visited by thousands of boaters and there has never been a fee to cross from Tices Shoal to the Oceanside of Island Beach State Park.

This summer, starting mid June 2015 access to the Oceanside of Island Beach State Park from Tices Shoal will now cost $3 per person, and boaters are angry and feeling targeted because you can walk or ride a bike at the main entrance of Island Beach State Park and not be charged an entrance fee, many people park their vehicles outside the park and enter by foot to avoid paying for vehicle parking, a car load of people driving in at the main entrance will cost about $10 whereas a family of four walking in from the Tices Shoal entrance will cost $12, boaters feel that they should not be charged since they are not arriving at the park inside a vehicle.  

The state’s decision to open a new, lifeguard protected swimming area near the A-7 (Tices Shoal) section of Island Beach State Park this summer and charge a fee has boaters outraged.

Officials say the swimming zone will create a better boundary to separate swimmers and anglers from getting in each others’ way.

“Our goal is to provide safe and equitable access to all of our visitors,” said Island Beach State Park manager Ray Bukowski. “The addition of this new swimming area will not only create a safe haven for swimmers with some of the best lifeguards at the Jersey Shore, but will also eliminate any conflicting use of distinct areas of the park.”

Kelly Czupkiewicz, is an area activist who is leading an effort to stop the fee says the fee is a “shameless money grab by the state,” with a petition that has already gained hundreds of signatures, “There has been no need for a lifeguard to be placed at the beach, which will be accompanying and ‘justifying’ the new charge,” the petition says. “There are other ways to raise money for state parks.” the petition also notes that pedestrians and bicyclists can enter the park at the front entrance for free.

Click here To view the petition


2 thoughts on “Tices Shoal Boaters Angry Over Island Beach State Parks $3 beach access charge.

  1. It’s funny that almost every American actually believes tools like Obama, that “things are getting better”, and “the economic recovery” is real, when, in fact, cities, towns, states, and even the Feds are coming up with ANY way they can to take their Survival Money out of the citizen’s pocket.

    Oh, Forgot. But “there are no new taxes”, right?

  2. To have to pay another person to be able to travel freely on this planet is a travesty. Similar to having to pay another person for the privilege of fishing in the ocean. Privately stocked ponds I completely agree with having to pay…but the ocean…only a ‘jew’ would think of that.


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