Top Russian General Discusses Syria With Turkish Counterpart

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Just months ago the public was told world war 3 was going to break out. This time due to a conflict between Turkey who is backed by NATO and Russia. We called it for what it was nonsense. Now both sides are sipping latte’s together. You should understand the children of Satan already control both of these nations so there is no reason for them to war against one another. In these end times you will continue to see scare tactics and the events of our world will become harder to understand. With that said your Father provided you with a roadmap that documents how this will all end. The only question is have you actually read it?

The chief of the Russian army’s general staff, Valery Gerasimov, met his Turkish counterpart in Ankara on Thursday for “very productive” talks on military cooperation and Syria, Turkish officials said, reflecting a recent warming of ties.

The meeting between Valery Gerasimov and Turkish military chief Hulusi Akar – the first of its kind in 11 years – would allow them to bring a “joint perspective” to other trouble-spots in the Middle East, the sources added without elaborating.

Russia and Turkey have backed opposing sides in Syria, with Moscow supporting President Bashar al-Assad while Ankara backs rebels fighting to oust him. Relations hit a low last November, when Turkey downed a Russian war plane near the Syrian border.

Source: Top Russian general discusses Syria with Turkish counterpart | Reuters

World Events and the Bible


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