Trump’s top officials, confidants called him ‘dumb, idiot’

Daily Mail

Top White House officials and heavyweight confidants including Rupert Murdoch scoffed at President Donald Trump‘s intellect, according to an explosive new book containing shocking allegations about his first year in office.

In one of the many passages of Michael Wolff’s book, ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,’ being circulated online in advance of it’s January 9 release, Wolff writes: ‘There was now a fair amount of back-of-the-classroom giggling about who had called Trump what.’  

‘For Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus, he was an “idiot.” For Gary Cohn, he was “dumb as s–t”. For H.R. McMaster he was a “dope”. The list went on,’ according to an excerpt that NBC obtained.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, McMaster, national security adviser,  and the president’s chief economic adviser Cohn are all currently serving under Trump, and have not yet responded to the claims made in the book.

Priebus had a run as White House chief of staff from January to July.

Conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch is also quoted, ridiculing the president’s intellect.

‘On December 14, a high-level delegation from Silicon Valley came to Trump Tower to meet him. Later that afternoon, according to a source privy to details of the conversation, Trump called Rupert Murdoch, who asked him how the meeting had gone,’ according to another excerpt printed in New York Magazine.

After the men failed to see eye-to-eye on extending visas to the companies Trump had met with, Murdoch ‘shrugged as he got off the phone, and said: ”What a f***ing idiot.”

It was reported this summer that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had called the president a ‘moron,’ Tillerson has not specifically denied making the comment.

The book is brimming with slights aimed at the president, including claims that his daughter Ivanka Trump has made fun of his hair.

‘She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate – a contained island after scalp-reduction surgery – surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray,’ Wolff wrote.

After excerpt’s from the tome ran online Wednesday, and as more information leaked out from other journalists with an advanced copy, the White House went into defense mode, as it was revealed that former chief strategist Steve Bannon had gone on the record extensively.

Trump issued an extraordinary statement bashing Bannon.

Trump’s White House press secretary sent out a statement of her own that called the book ‘trashy tabloid fiction’ full of ‘false and misleading accounts,’ after the president’s longtime consigliere was quoted trashing Donald Trump Jr. and claiming his father would have immediately been made aware of an infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians.

Bannon claimed a Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer, supposedly to obtain unflattering information about Hillary Clinton, was ‘treasonous’ and ‘unpatriotic,’ prompting an unprecedented brushback of the former White House aide from the president.

‘Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency,’ Trump said in a statement provided by the White House that torches his former chief strategist. ‘When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.’

Trump’s press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, then told reporters that the president was ‘furious’ and ‘disgusted’ by Bannon’s assault on the president’s son and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who also attended the Trump Tower meeting.

The White House’s full-scale attack on Bannon, who was once one of Trump’s top advisers, was ripe with personal slights, exposing a dramatic rift between the president and the conservative provocateur who is also the Breitbart News executive chairman.

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5 thoughts on “Trump’s top officials, confidants called him ‘dumb, idiot’

  1. he responded to the perimeter of job application,, must be a tyrant , a jew lover , and an idiot

    yer in!

  2. “‘For Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus, he was an “idiot.” For Gary Cohn, he was “dumb as s–t”. For H.R. McMaster he was a “dope”.”

    Let’s call a spade a spade here, shall we?


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