Two Iran Warships Head Towards US! Let The Games Begin!

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

In what is now being called a first of its kind ever move, Iran has sent two warships into the Atlantic Ocean and towards the East Coast as shared in this video from Paul Begley. Are these moves of aggression towards America or simply Iran exploring new waters? Are these moves of Iran at the invitation of Barack Obama? The mainstream media is also surprisingly reporting this EXTREMELY important story.

15 thoughts on “Two Iran Warships Head Towards US! Let The Games Begin!

  1. MSM I don’t pay a bit of attention to. They’re fear mongers.
    More disconcerting to me are two US war ships in the Black
    Sea near Russia. Iran is not stupid or suicidal.

  2. I smell a false flag nuclear attack to be blamed on these two Iranian ships at the invitation of Barry, of course.

    Is this going to be another WWI submarine setup incident in order to get the people riled up for another World War? And if so, do you really think the people would fall for the same tactic twice? Are they really Iranian ships or decoys?

    I think they underestimate how much We the People have learned about our REAL history. Not gonna work, Barry. GO hang yourself and get it over with or We the people will do it for you when the time comes.

    And by the way, Iran is NOT that stupid and neither are we the people. So as I said before, go hang yourself Barry. You’re pathetic. And take the rest of your Communist/Zionist buddies with you.

    1. Hi NC,

      This could be some sort of definite set-up.

      Don’t forget,.. that piece of human garbage that is Ocrapo’s Chief Advisor, Valerie Jarrett, is HARD-CORE communist,.. AND is an Iranian born duel citizen of the US.

      She has also been connect with the Muslim Brotherhood. Although I can not couch for the varacity of such claims,.. I have seen them pop-up in several articles about her.

      It has been stated in multiple sources that she has ALREADY completed secret deals with Iran recently,.. the nature of which has not be disclosed.

      I do not know what Iran would gain if allowed to be used as a sacrficial pawn, being accused of lauching a nuke or something else against the US,.. but having two Iranian ships off our coast like that is clearly NOT normal behavior for them.

      JD – US Marines – I’m really not sure what to make of this development at this time.

      1. “but having two Iranian ships off our coast like that is clearly NOT normal behavior for them.”

        And that’s what worry’s me. It’s almost like finding a Russian submarine in the Gulf of Mexico a few years ago, even though nothing really happened after that from what I remember. But the timing of these two Iranian ships is just completely suspicious.

        Not normal.

  3. Is that one of their “warships” in the picture? It looks like an old tugboat running from the scrap mongers. I think they bought it from

    if this is on the Jew-TV news it’s a set up, and NC (above) has probably hit the nail on the head regarding the intended use. If it’s not a nuke it will be some kind of false-flag event to kick off WW3.

    That thing was probably slated for the scrap-yard anyway, so it’s most likely being used as another pawn in the on-going dog-and-pony show.

  4. Barry will probably send out one of our fleet to refuel them. Courtesy of the American tax payer of course……

  5. Aren’t the military and law enforcement scheduled to do some type of secret training in South Carolina? Hmmmm….

    Stay Alert, Stay Alive

  6. Two boats ?
    Oooo in the “Atlantic Ocean” .. Lmfao again
    They got numbers and letters on them oooo scary boats
    Still lmfao so hard now that I think I’m going to puke

  7. “Iran has sent two warships into the Atlantic Ocean and towards the East Coast”. Wonder when they were sent and how long it will take them to get here? Pure BS………why now, haven’t provoked a war in what, 300 yrs.?

  8. The iranians aren’t stupid.

    Two american ships near russia in the black sea…
    The hunt for the black widow (mossad) terrorists
    at the olympic games…
    The coming currency reset…
    China’s production bubble about to collapse…
    Worldwide discontent for the ruling elite…
    Infrastructure in america being deliberately targeted…

    Something is definitely afoot. The tempo is increasing.

    Debka is awfully quiet about this and so is worldnetdaily.


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