Tyranny on Trial: How Will the American People Judge?

Freedom Outpost – by Bradlee Dean

Interestingly enough, back in 1945, during the Nuremberg Trials, when the war criminals were rounded up by a world tribunal to bring forth justice concerning those who were responsible for the murder of 12 million people (mainly Hitler’s regime), when it was time to answer for their crimes, the accused stated that they were “just doing what they were ordered to do,” regardless if it was legal or illegal, not only in the sight of man, but also before a Just and Holy God (Proverbs 21:3).  

The real question here should be: Who were the real criminals? Those who committed the crimes, or those who let them commit the crimes? Imagine with me for a moment if the people in Germany would have dealt with these criminals before their crimes commenced – how different would the outcome have been (Deuteronomy 28:63)?

Let me show you how history is repeating itself right here in America.

When I look across the country, as I do on a daily basis, and see things taking place in America, I can’t help but wonder why we are where we are today and who is to blame for the position that we, as a people, are in.

First, I know we cannot blame the professed church in America for holding back the Word of the Lord concerning homosexuality, abortion and government corruption because they do not want to offend anyone. After all, while Christ was being delivered up for the guilt (sins) of mankind, it was the religious hypocrites crying, “We have no king but Caesar!” (John 19:15)

We cannot blame the homosexuals who are being used to upend the Constitution of the United States, to make way for Shariah law. After all, that is the way they were born.

We cannot blame the abortionists who murder over 4,000 babies a day across America. After all, it was the Supreme Court of the United States that sanctioned the victims’ murder under the guise of “choice.”

I know that we cannot blame those in government, namely the corrupt politicians who knowingly, at every step of the way, willfully violate the U.S. Constitution, and who on a daily basis trample our rights that hundreds of thousands of our forefathers, grandpas, fathers, uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters have fought, bled and died to protect for us.

I know that we cannot blame the teachers across the country that teach what they know is illegal, immoral and un-American in our classrooms under every guise: “No Child Left Behind,” “International Baccalaureate” or even “Common Core.” After all, they have to hold onto their jobs.

We certainly cannot blame the 86 percent of the parents who claim they are Christians, patriots, or conservatives and are dropping their children off at school gates to be illegally indoctrinated by the federal government, for they are just doing what everyone else is doing (10th Amendment).

Or what about those in the state-run media who do what they are told regardless of the information broadcast, whether it is true or not? We cannot blame them either, for they are just following orders on what to report.

You know, this mentality sounds all too familiar. The Nazis during the Nuremberg Trials said they were just doing their job, just following orders.

No questions, no moral conviction, no standing against that which violates God and His Laws. Has America taken on the same mentality?

It has been said that,

“A nation whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the police state dictatorship it is going to get.”

How true!

So, I ask, who is to blame? The American people who let them do it!

The video below brings forth the message of a prophet:

America needs to learn from history so that history does not repeat itself:

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/03/tyranny-trial-will-american-people-judge/#2wOzXQaFCLVhqfL7.99

18 thoughts on “Tyranny on Trial: How Will the American People Judge?

  1. I really do not think there will be any Americans around to judge anything. If you are truly paying attention you have all kinds of death rays pointed at you.
    The food you eat,
    The Cascades
    New Madrid
    Flooding of the coasts
    Miltarized cops
    Incoming planet foretold
    Our treatment of other nations
    Mad Max when TSHTF
    What few that survive will be so busy trying to live they wont have the time or the energy to judge anything.
    Remember they want 90% of human life extinguished on this planet and since we do nothing they might just be successful.

    Just my opinion as usual

    1. you forgot global warming……and there has to be a freaky ancient calendar somewhere that claims that the earth will end three weeks from now.

      The sky is falling!!!!

      Relax, GrinNBarrett…. try to look at the bright side of things, and hold onto your hope for a new beginning, and a happy future. Humans can adapt to all kinds of adversity. We’re not all going to die, and it’s very possible that many of the horrors we face can be stopped and corrected after a change in the power structure here.

      1. I am very relaxed no worries I have turned realist and everything is against us. Just see the stories every day posted just here. The Georgia Guidestones tell it well.

        Actually I would rather die than live in the world the Globalists have in mind.

        I do not live in fear for what is to fear? You can only die once. Now that is good news. Most disasters are swift. I am happy I am the age I am for the young are in trouble.

        I remember how it was when I was young. The freedoms we had.
        My daughter will never know them, and her children do not have an idea of those she had.
        I see them disappearing every day.

        But I will conclude we do live in very interesting times.

        1. I understand that everything looks bad, but what else is ever printed in any news source?

          If it’s not an impending horror or something to fear, it’s not newsworthy.

          A hundred million people are tired of this, and when they all start moving, the one thing that’s guaranteed is change. Hang in there. Your daughter and grandkids will be fine. The world has seen similar horrors many times in past, and the human race has endured them, and thrived in their aftermath.

          I’d guess that out lives of luxury and endless entertainment are over, but life itself will continue, and humans will seek and find new avenues to happiness.

          Things will be different, but not necessarily all that bad.

      2. Hey JR
        I applaud your efforts to look on the bright side, I try to do that myself, as hard as it is,
        BUT, I think we all gotta realize that what’s goin on over in Japan with the Fukishima fiasco is more than likely gonna add up to extinction for the whole world (cept for the cockroaches) might not happen for a few generations, but there ain’t NO gettin away from that stuff

        1. It will NOT lead to extinction of the whole world anymore than Hiroshima, Nagasaki, or Chernobyl did.

          The fear mongers insist “we’re all gonna die”, as they usually do, but the medical experts expect a sharp rise in cancer.

          We already know how to cure and prevent cancer, so it’s not all that worrisome.

          Radiation sickness will only strike those in the immediate vicinity.

    1. America won’t necessarily be “gone”……….
      But, will no longer be a leader on the world’s stage.
      Or a major “mover and shaker” that it once was.
      Scripture shows us other nations leading the world.
      As America is not seen, as we would recognize Her,
      It’s assumed, by theologians, that America will have
      been either preoccupied with internal struggles of
      some type, or militarily, or economically, attacked.
      Which ultimately removes us from being a “Leader”
      and into the part of a “follower” nation.
      As things are progressing ….any of the three above
      mentioned calamities could easily occur….and soon.
      My question to the readers is this:
      “Are You Ready ?”
      “Is Your Spiritual House In Order ?”
      As things unravel, it will take the supernatural
      strength of God to get us through what lays ahead.
      Join us on Liberty Bible Hour Thurs. 7 – 8 pm
      on the Liberty Tree Radio Network
      click on the Live365 stream
      then click play once you arrive.
      Our study just started to examine the
      Tribulation Period in greater detail.
      Archives are found at:
      To prepare for the physical side of things,
      tune into Mark Koernke M – F at 5,6, & 8 pm
      On http://www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com
      And, “Get Ready It’s Coming” – Thurs. 9 pm
      on the same network….
      See You There !

      1. Paraclete, I know I am ready. For anything. God has my back, and I believe that and mean it. I am ready for Sharia Law, and I am even more ready for the anti-Christ Talmud.

  2. As Missy, and Bulldog are saying. “Get ready it’s coming”. These are somber times that we are living. God help us to bring about what has to be. And so we will move on.

  3. Good write-up, Paraclete. However, would it be fair to say that Sharia law, nor any other religious persuasion should have the power to govern our Republic? Furthermore, should any denomination of faith reign supreme over another faith, in a Country that truly observes freedom of religion? I considered the United States to be One Nation under God; therefore, the definition of the Creator was left to the sanctity of the faithful beholder to freely decide.

    The Constitution does clarify the “Punishment of Treason; Article III, Section 3, Clause 2

    The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.”

    The broader sunnary meaning of this Clause can be found here:

    Again, this is a great post which I am still going over in my mind.

    1. Until Our Lord either comes and takes us home,
      or He takes us individually, These creatures will
      pay for everything they’ve done, if it’s with-in my
      power to do so. I don’t care what it takes.
      The distortion of our beloved Republic is a
      criminal act upon humanity.
      And it’s total blasphemy towards God Himself.
      For everything this Republic has been blessed with,
      is Directly from the hand of God himself.
      That’s why they hate America so much,
      because they hate God.

  4. To Paraclete —

    “That’s why they hate America so much, because they hate God.”

    Perhaps they just hate our “God” because He allegedly approves and protects our military invasions which destroy cities and kill innocent civilians of Sovereign Nations that neither provoked an attack, nor posed a threat to the United States’ National Security. The Taliban in Afghanistan did pose a problem for the Central banks, stopped a proposed pipeline that would run through their Country, and they also threatened to burn-down the poppy fields… were these valid (but unsaid) reasons for the USA to invade Afghanistan? Would the citizens of the USA be any different in their reactions to Russia invading Alaska? After all, Russia is predominately Russian Orthodox, and they give praise to the same God, don’t they?

    Our Government claims that we are hated for our freedoms, which of course is an oxymoron of a statement to make, considering how we currently live in an ever increasing state of tyranny.

    “Until Our Lord either comes and takes us home, or He takes us individually, These creatures will pay for everything they’ve done if it’s with-in my power to do so. I don’t care what it takes.”

    I seldom quote scripture, but…

    “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” – Romans 12:19

    The only thing I can add to Romans 12:19, is that if the Lord doesn’t come soon, He will owe Sodom and Gomorra an apology.

    1. There’s a difference between vengeance
      and righteous indignation.
      When all else fails, one needs to remove evil,
      and all of it’s elements, to keep it from spreading.
      Or becoming worse, which ever …….
      God has used many forms of judgement upon
      the peoples of this world, to remove evils.
      He sent the Babylonians against Israel when
      they turned to idol worship and other atrocities.
      God will not be mocked, nor will His patience
      endure forever. One way, shape, form, or another,
      God will have His way. And there’s NO WAY to
      stop Him, or prevent, His judgements from coming.
      If God uses the American Patriot to bring forth
      justice for those who’ve been slighted, who are
      we to say that it’s personal vengeance ?
      God blessed America with the founding fathers.
      Whom of which was the greatest assembly of
      brain power the world has ever seen, and since.
      The gifts which came forth from our founding
      documents are a DIRECT blessing from God’s hand.
      Those who would mock His gift, distort His gift in
      order to destroy the land which He wanted to use
      as a shinning beacon to the world. That beacon,
      which would point to blessings derived only from God.
      That beacon which would allow America, had we stayed
      on track, been able to be a living witness for Christ.
      Well, I wouldn’t want to be those folks, once God
      decides to act upon them.

      1. So then, Paraclete, are you saying that every act our Government commits, and law our Government legislates is God’s will? The same US Government that ordered the false-flag invasions of the Middle East, is also the same US Government that legislated the Patriot Act and, the same US Government which is currently dismantling the US Constitution. Therefore, am I to believe that these deeds were acts of God?

        This would mean we are being punished by God. Who are we to question His judgement, or attempt to change or rectify what He has handed down as our punishment?

        1. BTW: The clock ran out on me during my last post. Thank you for putting up with my questions, Paraclete. I explained to you that your article was going around in my head… I was trying to find the theological sense of it all. I obviously failed in that pursuit. I’ll sleep on it.

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