U.S. Justice Department Gives State Police, Newtown $2.5M

CT News Junkie – by Christine Stuart

Attorney General Eric Holder announced Wednesday that the U.S. Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Assistance will give $2.5 million in funding to the Connecticut State Police and local law enforcement for their response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

The funding compensates the agencies for costs related to overtime, forensics, and security in the aftermath of the murder of 20 children and six educators.  

—The Town of Newtown will receive $602,293 for police officers’ time during the past school year (Dec. 14, 2012 through June 2013) to respond to the shooting, provide public protection services afterward, and to monitor local schools.

—The State of Connecticut will receive $663,444 for State Police troopers’ overtime to assist Newtown police with tactical response and law enforcement activities.

—$296,836 will be used for local police officers’ time to provide “mutual aid” during tactical response as well as following the incident itself through June 2013.

—The Town of Monroe, which gave a vacant elementary school to the Newtown community to use as the new Sandy Hook Elementary School, will receive $882,812 for police officers’ time to secure and monitor the new school.

“This critical funding will compensate the Connecticut State Police and Newtown Police Department for their tireless work investigating this crime, as well as more than two dozen police departments from across the state whose officers responded to Newtown within minutes of this horrific act and, for months, helped to provide security and comfort to a courageous community,” Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut Deirdre M. Daly said.

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who had the difficult job of telling some of the families their loved one wasn’t coming home that day, also applauded the first responders for their courage.

“Our first responders, including state and local law enforcement, so bravely responded to this horrific event — not only those from the Town of Newtown, but also from the surrounding communities, for which we are forever grateful,” Malloy said.

His gratitude was echoed by U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy and U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty.

“These federal funds recognize and support the heroic efforts of Newtown, Monroe, and state law enforcement, not just for their courageous and heartbreaking work that tragic day, but for their persistence and professionalism in the days, weeks, and months after,” Blumenthal said.


7 thoughts on “U.S. Justice Department Gives State Police, Newtown $2.5M

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    Once again, allow me to correct the title of this story,… it should read:

    “US Justice Dep’t Bribes Newtown Police To Keep Quiet For $2.5 Million”

    That is the state of criminal affairs by our illegitimate gov’t.

    JD – US Marines – The wholly criminal US Fed Gov’t, now openly announces who they are buying-off,… and for how much.

  2. JD-US Marines:
    I agree this is their bonus for keeping their mouth shut.
    Holder must think the public are just total idiots.
    I can’t wait for this communist/terrorist party to come crashing down.

  3. And they should be ashamed for being quiet about It! For shame for shame!
    Oh I forgot that’s what evil devils do.


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