7 thoughts on “U.S. will not survive says Hopi elder

  1. genocide of the natives of this land

    sure you can trust your government…just ask an Indian

    those of you who are now on this land will also be sold out by your government, and lied to as these people were.

    Tom is just a screen name..Im part Chippewa and Sioux ..I don’t profess to know all the history, Im only part Indian due to the watering down of our ancestory as with many here in this country

    but I tell you all, these men(and women) we have allowed in power will be the distruction of us all, given enough time..and not enough rope

  2. I lived in ignorance for many years. All through school the only thing I ever learned about the native Indians here in America was one mention of Columbus and the second Thanksgiving. That was it for school. Next Hollywood: wild men hooten and hollerin, scalping and hatcheting chasing the white man. Attacking wagon trains and stealing horses.

    Then one day years later many years later the History Channel had a series called the Five Hundred Nations. I watched everyone of them and later purchased the whole series. I wanted time to digest it all. I found a people that were spiritual, creative, knowing of many things and great story tellers. They had trade routes and moved over great distances. They had a cultural center around Arizona that would take your breath away with the art work and color.

    They practiced very involved ceremonies and understood the ways of nature. It was a wonderful experience for me and at the same time made me very angry that I have been deprived over a great many of my years of this knowledge. Imagine right here on this land and in all my grammar, high school and college no book nor teacher ever mentioned any of this, not even in American History. Most of what I learned I got on my own and I still am learning.

    When I home schooled my grandson I took him on a train trip across America from Florida to Washington D.C., to Chicago on to California. When we got to this huge Indian Reservation, AmTrak had a program that would give us a presentation by a true Indian of reservation life and explain the territory we were riding through.

    What a journey, my grandson is much more informed than I ever was and yes he watched the 500 Nations with me again.

  3. Though we face in many ways shameful past and a tough road ahead we also have been a very good country,all countries have their share of atrocities.I do believe though the road tough we will like the mighty phoenix shake off the ashes of our self immolation and rise again,hopefully a better people with a better life and appreciation for life,we fail,well,just gonna keep trying,perhaps cycles we need to go through to become a better people and nation.

    1. James, we are already a good nation. we do not have to go through change as in cycles. That is what america is about being what we were built on.
      there is no changing us. we are unique here and we will never change.
      What are you sayin`, We are already what separates us from the rest of the damned world. There is no comprimises, there is no change – that is what we are fighting against – they should go to another country if anyone wants to change a country damnit!!
      That is just what I think!!! You tell me why we should go through cycles when that is what got us to this POS place we are at to begin with James. F that Cycle BS we are the country of America and that is what separates us from the other countries damnit IMOHO and I stand by that belief.

  4. I dont think that it is mere coincidence that the USA is not mentioned anywhere in the endtimes prophecies of the Bible.

    1. The longer I see what we are doing, and that we are NATO and the technology they are about to unleash on the world, I believe it was mentioned. BABYLON, wait and see. This Cabal is using this country to bring in the NWO and they will with technology you can not imagine. It will be so bad no one will really want to live in it. Only the weak and the unprepared will go along to get along.

      Our country is no longer great and it never will be again. A new paradigm is coming. Those that control will be the evil ones the people will be the greatest no matter what happens.

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