Undercover Miami Cops Ticket Man For Not Wearing His Mask Properly

NoMask Info

An unbelievable video has been posted to social media in which two undercover cops in North Miami Florida issue a citation to a man for allegedly not wearing his face mask properly.

One of the cops, a slovenly looking pot-bellied guy wearing shorts and a bright blue t-shirt which ironically has the word “SERIOUSLY?” emblazoned on the front of it, assures the man that they are only doing what they’re told, to enforce the mayor’s orders.

The man at first refuses to sign the ticket but is told he will be arrested otherwise. The cops explain that the fee is only $10 and that he can dispute it with the court if he wishes.

When asked why they are in plain clothes, the cop uses the analogy that ‘no one’s gonna speed if there’s a traffic cop around, thus justifying their covert operation.

The cop repeatedly explains that if someone is not wearing a mask properly, they may as well not be wearing it at all, and in the process of his explanation, he grabs the front of his mask with his hands, pulls it down under his nose, and continues to scold the citizen while violating the 6-foot ‘social distance’ rule.

As we’ve pointed out countless times in previous posts, any time someone touches their face mask, both their hands and the mask are completely contaminated, according to the CDC’s own prorocol. The mask must be appropriately discarded and the hands washed in a sink with soap and water.

But in this case, as is the case with Fauci, Newsom, and all of these control-freak hypocrite goons, the cop simply grabs the front of his mask again, smears it across his nose, and continues to contaminate the hapless unsuspecting public on the taxpayers dime.

The ticketed man pleads that he was only literally talking on the phone to his mother, but to no avail.

Watch the video here:

9 thoughts on “Undercover Miami Cops Ticket Man For Not Wearing His Mask Properly

  1. “We’re just following the mayor’s orders.” F*** YOU! You gestapo thug storm trooper bastards! The Nazis used the same excuse. Your tyranny will be on trial, and you motherf***ers will swing from hemp ropes!

  2. “We are just following orders”?

    So if the mayor told you to run someone over even though you know it’s wrong, would you still do it because the mayor told you so?

    What the F**K kinda logic is that?

    This is the kind of shit I have to deal with it at my current job. They tell me that even though something is against the rules or morally wrong, I still have to do it and then file a grievance later. WTF????!!!!

    So if my boss told me to kill a man, I have to do it and then tell the victim’s family, “I’m sorry. I know what I did was wrong and tried telling my boss that, but I had to follow orders. In any case, you’ll be happy to know that I did file a grievance against him afterwards and he was punished, so it’s all good, right?”

    (Rolling my eyes)

    I mean, seriously. What kind of world are we living in? NO BRAINS!


    1. Hahahahahaha
      That pig would be getting serenaded by bagpipes.

      Also a fee? I thought it was a fine. For violating a statute.
      A fee? I wouldn’t sign either. Arrest me. Oh wait you just got shot in your dumpy face. And so did your buddy.

      My boog finger is getting itchy. I’m at the point that anyone blocks my way or touches me I’ll drop them into the memory hole.

  3. I would not have engaged those idiots in the first place. Walk away, and if the fat bastard can keep up, then the Gestapo thug can try shit, but he’s not going to get any compliance from me. Go ahead and attempt to kidnap, I mean, arrest me and I assure you, there will be blood.

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