United Nations Silences Utah Journalist

Defending Utah Radio and TV

Oct 24, 2019

United Nations police admit they took over part of an American city (Salt Lake) and that journalists right to record public officers was denied because it was a “UN Compound” and the journalist had no right to record public servants as guaranteed by the US Constitution. Let your elected officials know you don’t approve of the UN taking away Americans rights by signing the petition here http://unitednationsutah.com/

7 thoughts on “United Nations Silences Utah Journalist

  1. Just as Henry said we have foreigners telling us what we can and cant do in our own country. I would have told her to f off and screw the U.N

    1. I hate the UN so much. Once we clear out the traitors they won’t even dare step foot on our soil.

  2. Hmm, Why does the movie Red Dawn come to mind…?

    These be fighting words Maam…..can you imagine this shit, this foreign scum with a badge who makes claims and gives orders to an American, me thinks this is how wars get started….

    seems like signing a petition is about as useful as trying to film in their “UN COMPOUND” ha…

    Blood boiling…. Calm, Calm, ….AAArrrrggghhh….

  3. The United Nations has been setting up shop in the US for the past 15 years, all the pieces are in place, get ready America.

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