US Government Proposes “Sugary-Food Tax” To Curb Obesity

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The totalitarian arm of the ever-growing government appears to know no limit. In today’s “oh no they didn’t” moment, the US Government’s diet panel has dictated proposed one more oppression of American’s freedom to choose:


On the bright side, the government approves of “lean meat” as compatible with healthy eating. The bill, introduced by Rep. Juan Candelaria, D-New Haven, would impose a tax of 1 cent per ounce on soft drinks – including sweetened teas, energy drinks and soda – and candies that are high in sugar and calories.  

As Bloomberg reports,

Americans should pay taxes on sugary sodas and snacks as a way to cut down on sweets, though they no longer need to worry about cholesterol, according to scientists helping to revamp dietary guidelines as U.S. obesity levels surge.

The recommendations Thursday from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee also call for Americans to reduce meat consumption and to take sustainability into account when dining.

The panel released its report as the Obama administration seeks ways to fight obesity, which now affects more than one-third of American adults and 17 percent of children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“What we’re calling for in the report in terms of innovation and bold new action in health care, in public health, at the community level, is what it’s going to take to try and make a dent on the epidemic of obesity,” committee chairwoman Barbara Millen of Millennium Prevention in Westwood, Massachusetts, said in a telephone interview.

Suggestions by the nonpartisan panel of academics and scientists helps shape school lunch menus and the $6 billion a year Women, Infants and Children program, which serves more than 8 million Americans buying groceries from retailers including Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Kroger Co. The recommendations were sent to the two agencies that later this year will issue the final guidelines that are used to create the government’s icon for healthy diets, currently a dinner-plate that replaced the widely used food pyramid.

Government knows best:

“Higher sugar-sweetened beverage taxes may encourage consumers to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage consumption,” according to the advisory panel. “Using the revenues from the higher sugar-sweetened beverage taxes for nutrition health promotion efforts or to subsidize fruits and vegetables could have public health benefits.”

The document states that “lean meats can be a part of a healthy dietary pattern.”

“The food industry is frantic about the guidelines. They don’t want anything in there that says anything about eating less of their products. That’s their concern more than anything else.”

*  *  *

So, expensive non-refined foods are good? And the poorist people – who can’t afford to eat the way the government dictates – will pay all the taxes?

7 thoughts on “US Government Proposes “Sugary-Food Tax” To Curb Obesity

  1. Well that’s a bold move…making people pay more for something that their not getting anyways. There isn’t any real sugar in any of that stuff. Even processed or refined sugar isn’t real sugar.

    1. Yea…….. it should be relabeled: corn syrupy food tax. go watch movies/tv shows of the 40’s-50’s-60’s…….. not very many fat people during those times yet they ate more fat and ice cream and cookies and meat dairy and eggs than we do today. what has changed is the
      FOOD. its all gmo now. no nutrition causes the body to pack on calories due to the ‘starvation mechanism” being activated by all the non nutritive food. its all about killing us S-L-O-W-L-Y.

  2. What the hell is this “curb” shite? Can I curb the use of the word curb to describe stopping something? “Yes, we must “curb” nuclear proliferation. “Proliferation? Here we go again. Quit beating around the bush, dammit! The use of the “twisted tongue” language is getting old real fast. Yup, if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshite!

  3. “US Government Proposes “Sugary-Food Tax” To Curb Obesity”

    Curb obesity? Like hell. They CREATED it. Far easier to harpoon a whale than a seal, come SHTF time.

    Think about it.

  4. As we’ve said, the Committee went beyond its charge and authority when it advocated for public policies such as taxes and restrictions on foods and beverages. What’s more, people don’t want these personal choices dictated to them. At the end of the day, it’s about moderation in all calories we consume and offsetting intake with physical activity. Education can teach this balance, whereas regulation will not deliver meaningful change.
    -American Beverage Association

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