USS Liberty Survivor Speaks Out & Shares More About The Israeli Attack

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Why did the nation of Israel attack the USS Liberty back on June 8th, 1967 killing 34 Americans? Why have Americans been lied to about this ever since?

Why didn’t America BOMB THE H*LL out of Israel after that happened?There are often claims and lots of information that the nation of Israel was responsible for not only the 9/11 attacks on America but ALSO the Boston Marathon bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting as well as other false flag attacks upon America.  

There is lots of info proving that the Zionists OWN our mainstream media. That would certainly explain a lot, huh? There is an awful lot of proof that many of our politicians are duel nationals here with more allegiance to Israel than to America. Has America BECOME Israel, ruled by Zionists w/o us even knowing it?

Personally, I don’t believe a word I hear coming out of the mouths of the Zionists, nor out of the mouths of our own government here in America. So, Israel, WHY? Was the attack upon the USS Liberty a metaphor for the ‘attack upon Liberty’ here in America? Until we get some concrete answers from Netanyahu and our own govt., EVERYTHING they tell us is lies.

Earnest Gallo remembers the day like it was yesterday. Not too different from any other service day. But he says that all changed when from a lower deck he heard an attack coming from Israeli forces firing upon the USS Liberty.

On June 8th, 1967, Gallo says 34 US servicemen died in the attack. Another 174 were wounded. They were honored over the weekend during a wreath-laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

The Israeli regime paid nearly twenty million dollars in compensation to the victims and the US government since then. However, survivors say there has never been an extensive investigation as to what happened despite numerous letters sent to lawmakers.

It’s been 46 years since the attack on the USS Liberty. Veterans and survivors of the attack came from around the country to be here. They say it’s an important event that more Americans need to know about.

Several US politicians were invited to come to the ceremony. None responded to the requests. Some say that the true details of what happened were covered up by the president at the time, Lyndon Johnson, but are still ignored to this day.

2 thoughts on “USS Liberty Survivor Speaks Out & Shares More About The Israeli Attack

  1. “Several US politicians were invited to come to the ceremony. None responded to the requests”

    What a bunch of spineless, back-stabbing weasels. But if they got an invite from AIPAC to go somewhere, they’d be running like rabid dogs to get their on time.

  2. I’ll push you further toward the truth as to how vile the Evil Elitist Zion Hoard is—–Read their 29 Protocols & then throw up with disgust! The whole truth about these #^&@):”>??&#@(* must be known & EXPOSED at all levels—-Fight on for Liberty, Freedom & Justice

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