Viral Internet Hoax Busted! Hundreds Of Whales Radiated To Death Near Fukushima, Japan? NOT!!!!

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

The following viral internet story released by Cosmos TV purporting to show ‘hundreds of whales that had been radiated to death near Fukushima, Japan’ has turned out to be a hoax. The picture that you see below was taken directly from a story back in 2010 in New Zealand. You can see the original picture, cropped left, here.

(Editor’s Note: The following information and video below was based upon the picture above, a picture that turns out to have been taken back in 2010.)  

On August 31st, four days ago the National Report ran the story… Fukushima Crisis Escalates Tons of Radioactive Waste Released into the Pacific Causes Ocean to Boil… Since then we have been taking calls and emails from people all over the world wanting to confirm our story.

Reporting from the village of Fukushima I was shocked to find on my arrival that hundreds of whale carcasses were found along the beach early this morning which now extend up and down the shore as far as I can see.

The Scene Near Fukushima Today – Killed by Nuclear Radiation

The scene is absolutely devastating especially since no word of this latest crisis has been reported to the Japanese people or to the rest of the world. In fact the Japanese government has remained silent about today’s latest events.

It is an outrage for the government to remain silent. Two scientists I spoke to on the beach tell me maybe the government has been silent because no one can yet begin to image the impact this debacle will have locally as well as globally. Scientist on the site admit this is a major event but they too can only speculate on what will come tomorrow

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