WATCH: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells Elon Musk he hopes he can work within the “confines” of the First Amendment to “stop anti-Semitism” on X.

2 thoughts on “WATCH: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells Elon Musk he hopes he can work within the “confines” of the First Amendment to “stop anti-Semitism” on X.

  1. Free speech, eh? But not too free, Elon. What’s that you say, you’re “against attacking any group?” Does that include those who dish suffering, and spew slavery, and kill innocent people? So, you want “a better future.” Do you like the way those in charge are making it better? And you dream to “understand the nature of the universe!!” How noble and far-seeing. But how about you first try understanding the nature of earth? You know, the planet that is in so much trouble and turmoil right now, with most of its inhabitants under the oppressive tyranny of those you would not “attack.” It ain’t about far-away galaxies, Elon. It’s right here, right now. Just look the power structure in the face and see who it is. Or maybe I should say, look in the gdmn mirror. If you try to stem my speech, you give yourself away as aiding the enemy, or actually being the enemy.

    Free speech is when mouth meets mind and then enlists tongue and vocal chords to say what mind intends to. Around eight billion of us have this ability and have mastered the technique. Would be near impossible to snuff that out.


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