‘We need that money,’ Baraka says as he urges lawmakers to keep red light cameras

rasbaraka.jpgNJ.com – by Naomi Nix, December 5, 2014

NEWARK — Newark mayor Ras Baraka will hold press conference today to urge lawmakers to pass legislation making the state’s red light camera program permanent.

The five-year-old pilot program is set to expire and the cameras at 73 intersections across the state will go dark unless the state legislature and Gov. Chris Christie take legislative action by the middle of this month.

“We need that money. I think it’s a good program,” Baraka said Thursday during a brief interview. “The city is bringing in about $4 million dollars a year…that’s why we (are) speaking out about it.”  

Newark officials have previously said the city has seen a drop in the number of accidents near intersections with cameras and other nearby intersections since the program started.

Baraka will be joined by elected officials in Linden, Jersey City, Roselle Park, Gloucester and Springfield, the city said in a statement.

The press conference is scheduled to occur at 11 a.m. at City Hall located at 920 Broad Street in Newark.
Naomi Nix may be reached at nnix@njadvancemedia.com. Follow her on Twitter @nsnix87. Find NJ.com on Facebook.


8 thoughts on “‘We need that money,’ Baraka says as he urges lawmakers to keep red light cameras

  1. wonder how he would feel if all the tickets he got by those cameras he would have to pay and go to court on..we know he gets let go on these things because these people arn’t affected by their own laws and rules

    Hey dip sh*t.. they are unconstitutional , and therefor you should be treated like a traitor to this country and its founding papers .. maybe we the people need to start implementing laws on our own to deal with slime like this

  2. I am SOOOOOOOOO against these computerized tickets. How is this constitutional, that they don’t even know who was driving the car? Since a HUMAN didn’t pull you over, they don’t know what HUMAN was driving your car!!! Can’t you get off ANY ticket by showing up to the hearing and saying, “PROVE I WAS IN THE CAR”??? How can there be such thing as computerized tickets? This is one of the biggest travesties to freedom in this country and no one’s talking about it.

  3. “Newark officials have previously said the city has seen a drop in the number of accidents near intersections with cameras and other nearby intersections since the program started.”

    That’s funny, because everything I have read, watched and studied about these heinous, infernal devices says they increase accidents 100% of the time. They shorten the yellow light timing on purpose to generate more revenue, then people panic and slam on the hooks when they even think the light is about to change, thereby causing MORE rear end collisions, not less . More lies from the people we can always count on to be pathological liars – the politicians.

  4. You need that money? Try hanging out on the street corner wearing a red mini-skirt and high-heels, you cheap whore.

  5. What better way to prove that the cameras have not a damn thing to do with safety and all to do about WE NEED THAT MONEY than right out of the horses ass’s mouth! This is just an automated way to prey on citizens trying to make a living and make ends meet. That government gravy feed pig needs to be dangling under and over pass bridge!

  6. So you’re saying cameras have nothing to do with safety and only to make a profit and pay for government salaries.

    Unfrigginbelievable….. They don’t even hide anymore.

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