We the People Need to Take the Initiative and Tackle the Problem at its Source!

As the media continues to report on the threats and protests down at the border and as more and more militias form up and head down there, it is important for us to take a step back and not lose focus on the overall picture.

We the People must keep in mind that this mass blitz to the border may be just what our treasonous government wants as they attack somewhere else that’s left unguarded or unattended. We must keep an eye on all sides of the war, if we are to survive and be successful.

With the media spotlight on Murrietta, CA lately, we are now seeing concerts and a whole Occupy kind of movement going on with the Anti-immigrant and Pro-immigrant protesters, along with the Communist Party, all gathering to try and compete to take control of the whole situation.  

Unlike the Bundy Ranch incident, where the elites, the Feds and the government were caught off guard because they had no controlled opposition, they are now more prepared and have brought these groups together down there to start a riot or a war between the two by pitting them on both sides of the fence against each other and making it a pay per view event. It’s a trademark tactic by the Communists in government. Even the mainstream media has come out and chimed in on the Communist game by saying that there are just as many anti-illegal immigrant protesters as there are pro-illegal immigrant protesters, as though they are ready to get in the ring and do battle with each other.

In addition to that, we now even have the Latino’s Tequila Party” trying to fight the Republican’s Tea Party (see here) and more recently, we have a symphony coming to play in the area as well. (see here).

While all of this focus is on Murrieta, CA, we have our local governments at war with our Federal government, as Los Angeles is now releasing detained immigrants in protest against the Federal government not doing their job. So instead of dumping them on DC’s or the Border Patrol’s doorstep and taking it out on the Federal government, they release them out on the streets to terrorize the already furious public. Whose bright idea was that? (see here)

Meanwhile, over in McAllen, TX, we have militia groups and DPS assisting the Border Patrol in sealing off the border. However, they keep coming in, bringing contagious diseases such as scabies, lice, tuberculosis and in some cases Swine Flu with no isolation or quarantine and then busing them off to different parts of the country, without regard to the consequences of spreading the diseases and infecting the American population.

Governor Perry, the controlled opposition puppet of Texas, is doing nothing to stop Obama other than yelling at the wall and sounding like a broken record and for some reason is still in office, even though he’s as incompetent and dumfounded as a toddler alone in an amusement park. He has no idea how to run a state and passes the ball to Obama to handle the situation when HE (Perry) is the one who has authority as governor over the issue.

Yes, it also becomes a National Security issue when the border is overrun, but overall, the protection of the state itself is HIS responsibility and NOT Obama’s. He’s merely using Obama as a scapegoat for political backlash. That’s not to say that I don’t hold Obama and his elitist minions responsible for this invasion in ANY way, but that instead of yelling about Obama, if Perry was any kind of REAL politician for the people (which we know he is definitely not and is an elitist), he would be rallying the people of Texas to send every state resource and every able body person down at that border to secure the state and prevent the illegals from being bused in to other cities in Texas. But he won’t because his job for the elites is to play the puppet barrier between Obama and the people of Texas so that nothing gets done. Perry and his cohorts are the ones preventing any change from happening in Texas and thereby going against the will of the people and all should be fired for derelict of duty, if not arrested for treason. Furthermore, we now have Chinese illegal immigrants now invading our borders. How convenient. (See here)

We are being blitz at the border for a reason and that seems to be in order to distract and prevent us from attempting to capture our government in DC., which brings me to the point of the article, in that everyone in this country, not just the militia and military, must realize that if we don’t do something to restore our government in DC now, there may be no hope left. We cannot continue to focus all of our resources at the border and not arrest the treasonous government in DC who are the ones responsible for authorizing all of this in the first place. Without dealing with DC, the flow of the illegal immigrants will continue.

We MUST open a new militia front and tackle the source of the problem where the unconstitutional orders are given and that is from the criminal government in DC!

The elites and our lawless government are using Sun Tzu’s tactics against us. In the Art of War, Sun Tzu states that in order to control the enemy’s forces and make them do what you want them to do, you must throw something at them to which they are obliged to retrieve. That’s exactly what the elite and the government in DC are doing. They are throwing the illegals at us at the border, forcing all of our militia, people and resources to run to the borders in order to stop them, while leaving the rest of the country open for destruction.

Think about it. Once the government breaks through the border barrier with their buses filled with their illegal immigrant army, it’s clear sailing for them into the country to setup base somewhere else with no one to stop them.

Already Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins is setting up base for them in Dallas, TX after forcing them through Border Patrol. (see here, here, and here) There should be barriers set up by We the People in Dallas and at every town and city in each state blocking them from going any further.

In the meantime, as all of the focus is on the border crisis, DHS is also having illegal immigrants being shipped in by boat and flown in by planes to cities around the country. Furthermore, the elites will attempt to attack our country in other ways, using BLM, more police state measures, and false flag mass shootings and even the possibility of a nuke or EMP strike.

We cannot let our guard down and we cannot let the government in DC call the shots and move us to where they want us to be moved. It’s time to stop playing their game and start playing ours. We the People need to be the ones taking the initiative in controlling the government and moving them where we want them to move.

There’s no doubt about it now. We are at war!

There is a likely threat that if we do try to take our militia over to DC to arrest our government, that the mainstream media will probably call us terrorists and will assist with the government in calling for UN troops to come and stop it from happening. The MSM would also most likely start reporting to the rest of the world that the militias are terrorizing the citizens and that the illegals are already suffering under a humanitarian crisis and that if UN troops don’t come here now, it will be total chaos.

For those that don’t believe it, they only have to look at how the elites and the MSM have done the same thing in Syria by saying that the Syrian government and army are trying to hurt their own people when the Syrian rebels are the real terrorists in the country. It’s just that this time, they will make our militia rebels look like the ones trying to hurt the government and the people when the government is the real group of terrorists in the country.

If we are to ever win this war or gain some kind of foothold, we MUST fight this war on two fronts and we must do it ASAP and that is to have enough people to maintain the border, while at the same time we must have enough people to arrest the treasonous government in DC.

It won’t be easy and it will take a lot more American Nationals who are still sitting around hoping someone else will take care of it, to finally get up off their butts and join in on the fight in order to do it. It will have to take something so big and immense that it affects the heart, soul and drive of each and every American in order to get us all together and pull it off.

As Sun Tzu says, “In order to kill the enemy, your men must be roused to anger, making them believe that by defeating the enemy, they will be greatly rewarded.”

Anyone can see that, at this point in the ballgame, the rewards of defeating the enemy greatly outweigh the rewards of acquiescing to it.

The longer this crisis goes on, the much harder and the more impossible it will be to eradicate it.

If We the People can stop allowing the enemy to control our movement and take action to tackle the source of the problem, we CAN and WILL win this fight!

It’s time we take the initiative by breaking open a new militia front, gathering as many people as we can together and defeating the enemy at the source!


22 thoughts on “We the People Need to Take the Initiative and Tackle the Problem at its Source!

  1. I agree, NC, we are at War even though most (if not all) of the people around us don’t know it. The borders are down and we have been overrun. Within my state there is treason on all levels. With all due respect, sir, I know where I am, it’s going to take everything we have to defend our state.

    1. a lot of us don’t know what war looks like. We think we know, but it is mostly fought behind the scenes of action.

  2. Right on NC! we need to surround the problem in Washington first. Take out the engine room so to speak. Another thing we can do is not frequent any Mexican restaurants. Hit them where it hurts, the wallet.

    The bastards are shitting in our food anyway. I don’t trust any Mexican at this point. Also, you can bet your bottom dollar the piece of tripe in the White house is going to start to hand out all of those bullets and rifles they have been hoarding to the Mexicans and the other illegal tripe to try and blow our brains out using the word “Protection” as the “Humane” reason.

    I just hope and pray our f@#king military snaps out of it and starts to take action against the s#!t pile in the white house.

    1. I know what you are saying, Mark, and I’m just as angry as you are, but these children streaming across the border are not Mexicans. They are from Central America, and that is a significantly huge difference. As for not frequenting Mexican restaurants, be careful because many of them are owned by legal immigrants/citizens. However, many restaurants (of ALL types) DO hire illegals. So do home repair contractors and cleaning companies. I think one thing we could all start doing is refusing to do business with ANY business that hires illegals. That might mean we pay more to have our house painted or our yards mowed, right? But we are part of this problem, if we are supporting the low-wage economy/shrinking wages. Hire Americans and legal immigrants, do not hire illegals. Or “guest workers” (?) (around here, all of the summer community pool lifeguards are Russians…. taking jobs away from American teens who would love to have those jobs). And I know a lot of illegal immigrants are Latino, but there are illegal immigrants from other countries, too. So let’s start paying attention and remember too that the actions we take locally matter, too, as far as where we choose to put our dollars. It’s not racist if we are smart about it and actually check to see that they are legal or not.

      And yes, this is a war we have to fight on many fronts. We need to keep in mind who is the enemy.

      1. EE

        These people are coming through Mexico. Mexico isn’t doing a damn thing to stop them.

        Sorry but I have to disagree with you. I have no compassion for any Mexican at this point. All of California is basically full of wetbacks. Mexico is where this garbage all started.

        Yes, restaurants hire wetbacks I get that, but at this point with me anyway, anything Mexican gets the brush, the hell with Mexico or Mexicans. Let them eat cake.

        1. It’s OK, we can disagree. 🙂 I understand also that if we live in different parts of the country, we see different things and may have different perspectives, so I do appreciate your perspective from where you sit, (and everyone’s perspective), as on this site — we all see different pieces of the picture, and it helps to know what’s going on. It helps to see the bigger picture, I mean, by getting so many different reports from different places on the ground.

          And I definitely do agree with you that Mexico is not stopping them, and that aspect of this invasion is not getting the attention and action it deserves.

  3. REMEMBER!!! They (The pro illegal immigration and cops) are the Soviet Socialists and they hate you!!!

  4. It’s time to fight! I’ts time for revolution! We WILL be eradicated by this Marxist government if we do not stand up! We will be overrun and overwhelmed-literally-if we don’t fight back.
    We will actually become a third world country if we continue to allow this criminal administration to continue with the subversion and destruction of the USA. Obama and his minions MUST be stopped! NOW.

  5. My thoughts exactly!!! The US government is waging war everywhere with everybody, especially us AMERICAN citizens, so I think we should not only openly declare war against Obama et al, and also apologize to all the peoples and countries we have assed over all these years, explaining that we the people have had nothing to do with all this, except to vote these subhuman monsters into office, and that was done illegally through rigged votes and votes by the profoundly retarded.

  6. NC, thanks for your very thought provoking article. This situation with the illegals is getting critical. I’m going to have to start reaching out to friends and family and try to wake them up to what is happening in our state. I know they have heard of what is going on but they get their news through MSN. It’s hard to wake up people that want to stay asleep. 🙁

  7. NC, you stated the problem and some solutions in the best analysis of the current situation we face at our borders. I personally feel the time is near for lead to be flying with the “powder keg” we have in multiple locations along the border. With militia from all over the country converging on the border and armed DHS goons escorting these illegals to anywhere, there will be an incident or “false flag” to justify killing or brutally arresting protesters. The militia, on the other hand, well that’s a whole different story.

  8. This war is a psycological one. Make no mistake about it. The enemy’s principle weapon of mind warfare is the control of communication media. John Carpenter spells it out precisely in his 1980’s sci-fi movie “They Live” – they only sure path for victory is to strike at the source of mind control – the mass media.

    1. You are right Snoopy, this is a mind f..k, with the help of TV and drugs. This is a slow burn, the winning will be MONEY. Or pick a day, a hour, and a person (evil one) across the nation, like: find evil and kill that evil !!!

    2. I tend to agree with you Snoopy, if we stand any chance in this war, we must find a way to counter the MSM. We will not be able to get them in our corner as they are controlled by our enemies. There’s only one way to deal with liars. It’s called “Pants on fire”!

    3. I agree. I’ve been saying we need to capture the MSM airwaves for the longest time. The first thing to take out in any war is the enemy’s communications. We are interrupting their communications with the alternative media, but I fear it will not be enough until we capture and broadcast the truth on the MSM airwaves ala V for Vendetta style. The MSM is the agitator in all of this. Without them, the elite and the bastards in DC are powerless. Unfortunately, not too many people are up on this and so I attempted to try and encourage everyone to hit the enemy at a different angle.

      1. Thank you NC for replying. Your outline of the problem at hand is entirely accurate. Effecting a solution is a difficult task, for even those of us who are awake to the problem are prone to being misled because the enemy continually “hits us at different angle”, agitating victim against victim while he, the deciever, remains “in the shade” (Protocol reference). For instance, the Mexican government is a corrupt, criminal state subservient to a Marrano Jewish oligarchy. It has disarmed the population. Furthermore it attacks its own villagers who dare to rearm and accomplish what the Federales and Army could (or would) not – defeat and evict drug cartels. THE MSM DOES NOT SHOW YOU THIS. IT ONLY FOCUSES OUR ATTENTION TO THE IMMEDIATE PROBLEM. DIVIDE AND CONQUER 101. We must not only stop the invasion but open up a dialogue with patriotic counterparts down south, thus create conditions for a simutaneous correction in the political order. Such an occurence would severly tax our shared enemies.

    4. Snoopy, see my previous article on it below:


  9. I would also like to remind everybody that funding the enemy is Treason. Supporting and funding: human trafficking, drug trafficking, and the willful spreading of contagious diseases is also illegal. Everybody may want to think about these points the next time taxes are due.

  10. One question I had is how would these FAGGOTS in the OUTHOUSE behave if over a short few weeks or months he stopped getting instructions from his Internationalist masters, because one by one or in groups they started ending up at ambient temperature? What would they say and do?

  11. Clearly the corporate media are enemy agents and will not be protected by the 1st Amendment when they are found guilty of treason in a common law court by American patriots and executed. Evidence against them is overwhelming.

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