‘Web Users Treat Conspiracy Theories As Seriously As News’, Say Scientists

Before It’s News – by Jay Will

According to a recently published report, the report states People are as likely to spend as much time online discussing bogus rumours and conspiracy theories as genuine news, as social media is awash with misinformation, scientists claim.

A team of computational social scientists from Northeastern University in Boston launched the study to establish how conspiracy theories and rumours spread online, and which people are most likely to believe them.  

The study follows comments last year by the World Economic Forum that “massive digital misinformation” constituted one of the biggest global threats to security.

The team identified three main sources of information online: mainstream news media, partisan political commentary sites and alternative information sites, including spoof news sites that spread fake stories.

They focused on data from 2.3 million internet users during the Italian election last year, when a fake story alleging that Italian senators had allocated themselves millions to find jobs in case they were voted from office went viral, and was shared more than 35,000 times on Facebook.

It is believed that the rumour fuelled protests in a number of Italian cities.


Published on Jan 22, 2014

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2 thoughts on “‘Web Users Treat Conspiracy Theories As Seriously As News’, Say Scientists

  1. its a good thing some of us still use that thing called a brain and
    discernment is making a comeback.
    i’m sure scientist are doing studies on why some of us can’t be brainwashed as easy as most and why its only temporary for some but lifelong for others.

  2. “…People are as likely to spend as much time online discussing bogus rumours and conspiracy theories as genuine news, as social media is awash with misinformation, scientists claim.”

    The key word here is CLAIM. No actual ‘scientific’ PROOF, in plain English.

    “The study follows comments last year by the World Economic Forum that “massive digital misinformation” constituted one of the biggest global threats to security.”

    Interpretation: The TRUTH constitutes the biggest global threat to the security of the NWO’s agenda.

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