WEF-Linked Calgary Mayor Says ‘Never Being Able To Own a Home’ Gives You ‘More Freedom’

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

Never being able to own your own home and facing the prospect of renting forever is a liberating experience, according to Calgary’s WEF-linked mayor Jyoti Gondek.

Mayor Gondek, who happens to own two houses in Calgary, claimed that owning nothing is synonymous with being happy during a discussion with the development company RNDSQR.

“We’re starting to see a segment of the population reject this idea of owning a home, and they’re moving towards rental because it gives them more freedom,” said Gondek.

“They can travel to different places, they can try out different communities, their job may take them from place to place and so people have become much more liberated around what housing looks like, and what the tenure of housing looks like.”

Or it could be that this segment of the population has been priced out of the market thanks to the stagnant wages, astronomical inflation, and unprecedented cost of living bought to us by leaders such as Trudeau and Biden.

TNC report: Gondek then went on to say that the idea of being able to own a home was like being “stuck in the 40s, 50s and 60s.”

“As municipalities, we haven’t kept pace with that change. We’re still stuck in the 40s, 50s and 60s,” said Gondek.

According to Gondek’s disclosure statement, the Calgary mayor owns two properties in Calgary – one in Panorama Hills and another downtown in East Village.

3 thoughts on “WEF-Linked Calgary Mayor Says ‘Never Being Able To Own a Home’ Gives You ‘More Freedom’

  1. “We’re starting to see a segment of the population reject this idea of owning a home, and they’re moving towards rental because it gives them more freedom,” said Gondek

    You elitist piece of absolute sh*t! So artificially inflating house prices WAY beyond what the average prospective home buyer can afford now by allowing mainly Chinese (both immigrants AND foreign nationals) to purchase homes at above market prices with money made on the back of traitorously allowing all our manufacturing & industry to be exported to China back in the 80s & 90s has nothing to do with the fact that people CAN’T afford to buy homes anymore?

    REAL freedom is actually owning ALL your own stuff & these c*nts all know that all too well!

    Absolute arrogant elitist scum saying sh*t like this so brazenly really should be dragged out in the street & torn apart alive by the crudest possible methods! F*ck restraint! These c*nts ALL need to f*cking di…

  2. Communism reaching for its pinnacle. That’s where we own nothing and are not happy, if we so happen to still be alive, that is. Orwell and Huxley didn’t anticipate the American Nationals who will fight, and damn, I have to believe we will. Our other biggest enemy, the go-alongs, are a burden and obstacle that must be overcome.

    Palm to forehead; we’ve been here too long.


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