Weird… Half of Dylann Storm Roof’s Facebook Friends Are African-Americans

dylan storm facebookGateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

5′ 9″
120 pounds
Driving a 2000 Hyundai
License Plate: LGF330  

charleston shooter identified

Dylann Storm Roof’s facebook profile picture.

dylan storm facebook

From his facebook page, Dylann Roof:
–Went to White Knoll High School
–Lives in Columbia, South Carolina
–From Columbia, South Carolina

And about half of his 82 friends are African-American.
At least 30 are African American
facebook friends black storm roof

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28 thoughts on “Weird… Half of Dylann Storm Roof’s Facebook Friends Are African-Americans

  1. They are getting so blatant with these events that it amazes me that people out there can’t see through it all. Too many suffering from normalcy bias and fluoride I guess.

  2. Storm Roof? Are you kidding me? Who comes up with this stuff! Oh wait, we are all so brain dead that we will believe anything. What’s really going on while the MSM is promoting this BS. Is this another lame attempt to grab our guns, or is something more sinister afoot? Another sandy hoax that I’m not buying.

    1. What’s scary is that it’s probably true that most people are that brain dead. Go look at the comments on Yahoo and try to tell them a different version and you will see that they ARE buying it. It’s plain as day to us who are awake but the sheep still in the matrix don’t see anything wrong with this picture and if you point it out you get attacked. I know, I have tried. On the upside, I have gotten more upvotes than I used to so many more are waking up.

    2. North West?
      i rest my case ,, yes there are stupid people out there and they procreate and name their kids

      although i do agree this is all a bunch of theater

      1. Hey Enemy, you were right about the flags on that jacket. The green and white one is the old flag of Rhodesia and blue, orange and white one is the old flag of South Africa.
        Makes me wonder where he got that jacket since Rhodesia doesn’t exist anymore and South Africa changed their flag in 1994. If that’s even him wearing it since his head looks pasted in to the rest of the

        1. It makes me wonder if that person in the picture even exists in this country
          His picture could be getting used
          And he isn’t even from the USA
          Now wouldn’t that be a game twist

          Never trust anyone in the beltway
          DC or any one telling the story
          We’re all being played
          They know it’s game up and they are pissing in thier pants knowing we knew before they got the guns away from us
          And they don’t know when it’s gigs up time
          So it’s games the two sides are playing against each other trying to psyche each other out to see who goes first or if they can provoke it

          Times up

    3. Deb,
      Did you read about a FAST TRACK vote this morning? It won’t be on
      the news, but Storm Roof will, along with Obammer calling for more
      gun control.

      1. Hi Alf,

        Yes, I read about it right after I posted. The lightbulb went off immediately, haha. There’s always something going on while they’re distracting us with with this drivel. 🙁


        1. From the Yahoo article, Barry’s own words:

          “At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency,” he said.”


          Apparently, he thinks his home country in Kenya and his pals in China and North Korea don’t kill people with guns for sport on a daily basis. Of course he uses the key word, “Advanced countries”. Tell me, what other country is more advanced than the US? Is the US even an advanced country anymore since we have no jobs or industry?

          Can I just have one chance to punch this SOB in the face real hard? I can’t stand hearing the shit that comes out of his mouth anymore.

  3. I don’t do Facebook. Does anyone here know what date this kid’s account was opened? Bet it’s brand new like that teacher from Sandy Hook. Oh, BTW, Obama and his goons fast tracked the TPP while we were busy with this latest distraction.

  4. Funny how all of his friends were black, yet he supposedly targeted a “black” church.

    The media just loves creating these race war stories.

    Nine shot, multiple fatalities reported in downtown church shooting

    Well, I guess the whole Mckinney, TX pool shooting incident is no longer big anymore. That’s so last week. Nothing but crickets chirping.

  5. This would be comical if there wasn’t a more sinister side to it….Storm Roof? What about Patsy A…
    It’s same thing, different day, different time, different place….same “lone wolf” scenario…..

  6. “And about half of his 82 friends are African-American.”

    Unless that pic was photoshopped, I seriously doubt ANYONE that looks THAT evil has 82 friends.

    The @sswipes producing these jokes need to hire some REAL scriptwriting AND directing talent, or the videots just might start catching on.

  7. Did you see his car parked at the front door of the church.
    There was a group in the church but the best parking spot was open for stormy to park in. ((Nice photo of his car))
    Photo is the one where he is going in the door his car is right behind him.

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