South Carolina church shooting suspect got gun for birthday, uncle says

Yahoo News – by Emily Flitter

(Reuters) – Dylann Roof, the man suspected of fatally shooting nine people at a historic African American church in South Carolina on Wednesday, was given a gun by his father as a 21st birthday present in April, his uncle told Reuters on Thursday.

Law enforcement officers were at the home of Roof’s mother on Thursday morning, the uncle, Carson Cowles, said in a telephone interview.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation identified the gunman as Roof on Thursday.  

Cowles said he recognized Roof in a photo released by police, and described him as quiet and soft-spoken. Roof’s father gave him a .45-caliber pistol for his birthday this year, Cowles said.

“Nobody in my family had seen anything like this coming,” Cowles said. “I said, if it is him, and when they catch him, he’s got to pay for this.”

He said he had told his sister, Roof’s mother, several years ago that Roof was too introverted.

“I said he was like 19 years old, he still didn’t have a job, a driver’s license or anything like that and he just stayed in his room a lot of the time,” Cowles said.

A woman who answered the cellphone of the suspect’s mother Amelia Roof, also known as Amy, declined to comment.

“We will be doing no interviews ever,” she said, before hanging up.

(Reporting by Emily Flitter; Writing by Jonathan Allen; Editing by James Dalgleish and Bernadette Baum)

19 thoughts on “South Carolina church shooting suspect got gun for birthday, uncle says

  1. Keep an eye on the news outlets like this one Yahoo. Who is his father and what is his background.

  2. What struck me was the statement,
    A woman who answered the cellphone of the suspect’s mother Amelia Roof, also known as Amy, declined to comment.
    “We will be doing no interviews ever,” she said, before hanging up.

  3. “He said he had told his sister, Roof’s mother, several years ago that Roof was too introverted.”

    Hmmm. Shades of Adam Lanza? Will the script writers ever tire of shoveling this BS down our throats? Same story different day. If any of this can be believed.

  4. Look at his eyes,tells the whole story. Government induced drugs. It’s always the kids forced to take psycho drugs and shit food.

  5. Now lets get this story straight.

    ‘According to reports, Roof is currently out on bond in connection with multiple recent arrests on drug and trespassing charges.

    And yet…

    ‘was given a gun by his father as a 21st birthday present in April, his uncle told Reuters on Thursday.’

    Whose father is going to give his kid a gun for a present if he is out on bond for multiple arrests on drug charges and tresspassing???????

    The script writing on this one couldn’t be worse.

  6. False flag written all over it and Barry has to make an appearance of course for his gun control propaganda, saying “it’s too easy to get guns in America”.

    OF COURSE IT IS!! That’s why it’s called the 2nd Article to the Bill of Rights, you treasonous bastard!!! If you don’t like it, then leave the country and go back to Commie land, you sick psychopath!

  7. Where do they come up with these bizarre shooter names? From Ciancia to Roof. The MK-Ultra candidates names get more and more bizarre for each plot.

  8. Whats up with all these crazy looking kids?
    Another one who most likely spent hours playing video games

  9. I’m just trying to figure out if they really greased a state senator or if he just decided to retire to the Caribbean with lotsa money in his account.

    1. Thanks for the list. Pinckney is the only one at this time that has something of an obit, but it’s not by family – it has an AP copyright on it. I’ll check the list again in a few days.

    2. There’s a bit more in the link than just the “list.” Such as:
      “In the months before he was accused of killing nine church members and pastors attending a Bible study in downtown Charleston, Dylann Storm Roof raised enough concern by going from store to store and asking questions at a Columbia mall that security officials banned him from the business for a year.
      When he showed up at the mall a second time in April, police extended the ban to three years.”

      Banned for “asking questions”?!
      What questions?

  10. Amazing how quickly they tracked down not only this kid (patsy), but his family as well.

    By tomorrow they’ll be talking to his kindergarten teacher.

  11. I’m ignoring the mass shooter news unless something happens here that doesn’t follow the standard script.

    We’ve seen this too many times before.

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