10 thoughts on “Well, I Guess I’m Having Beer

  1. I remember Jack Handey from Saturday Night Live. He’s quite funny in a satirical way. Can’t say that I recalled beer being a liver destroyer — unlike grain alcohol or whiskey. Actually, I believe the only way beer can harm the liver is if you are drinking alcoholic beverages while taking ibuprofen pain killers.

    1. Yep, I heard the same bud. Actually it is the hops and the other herbs that get ya loaded with the beer I think. Believe me I have checked out those intoxicants Bro in the past and that is from first hand experience as far as everclear and he other booze.
      Beer may be allrite but the other stuff ya gotta look out for – Believe me I know from old time personal experience 🙂 🙁 🙁 😉
      Yea I am a old boy and I do talk truth

      1. Yes, I’ve been there too, diggerdan. I know that Everclear grain has worn-down my stomach lining, so beer or sometimes wine is all I can handle.

        I guess we can also dispel the myth that hard liquor destroys brain cells which will never regenerate; otherwise, if that was true, we would both be just staring at our monitors and drooling on ourselves.

        What was that other myth about what causes hair to grow on a guy’s palms and making him go blind? 🙂

  2. Micro breweries are under attack by the beverage mafia.

    I forget where, so you could file this under TIN if you want, but I heard some crap about the beer has to be sold, then sold back to the brewery, then it can be delivered to the stores at the higher prices. I forget where the link / URL I heard this at / on. File it in TIN if you want. Personally I think we need to protect our micro breweries especially from the likes of those who would control water and land without legit reason

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