9 thoughts on “WH: Trump’s Muslim Ban ‘Disqualifies Him’ From Being Prez

  1. No it doesnt

    The Peanut Prez did it already back in the 80’s, there is law for this act already on the books

    this current president isnt going to utilize it , because what happened in all these mass shootings( terrorist attacks) is going right along with his agenda.. thats why he isnt stepping up to his responsibility, because this is all a part of his subjugation of our rights and this countries freedoms

    what Trump has stated , has already been done in this country..by a president that gave a shit about his country.. this isnt Obamas country,, therefore we are on our own

    Obama ignoring his duty, is a treasonous act . dont think for one second if this worked in his favor or his agenda he would be pushing this down everyones throat like a ram rod..yes, somewhat like his constant push on gun control legislation

    The Muzzie in the WH needs us to be unarmed , so his people can come rule over us

  2. Some people are starting to cozy up to trump because he wants to ban muslims from entering. Some of these are the same ones who said they’re against illegal immigration not immigration. Spineless cowards who follow the flock, couldn’t say it on their own but had to wait for their knight in shining armor. (America, America!) Is their battle cry, as if they know what being American is. So why is it when Trump grovels at the feet of israel for their support and the jewish lobbies here and says he would be the best thing for israel there is no peep? Why if he’s supporting himself with his own money, does he beg their support and approval? Why no uproar from “Americans” when he said he wants to shut the internet (at least in certain areas)? Isn’t this a direct violation of the 1st ammendment that we all supposedly cherish so much as part of the Bill Of Rights? How American is that? If there is any truth to muslims trying to take over America, you need not worry. The zionists have already beat them to it. And they have their agents trump,Clinton etc., to guide you along with the program. It’s funny really, the muslim terrorists want to come on the other side of the world and conquer America but will steer clear of israel at all costs. Make any sense? By the way, before iraq and syria were torn to shit (for israel) they were protective of their Christian minorities. As IS Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon and palestine (pre 1948). And as for the mass shootings, specifically the latest, do we really believe it was this “isis loyalist” and his 90 lb wife? Right, let’s ignore the confirmations that there were 3 shooters, tall MEN, ATHLETICALLY BUILT. And the fact he was in handcuffs after being pulled out the suv after being shot to death. A lot of people are genuine in trying to expose the truth but it does no good if we keep chasing ghosts. Enough is enough already. How is it we can’t see this and if we can, why do we keep going back to this?

      1. Absolutely, Millard. Anything obama has done or anything chump has proposed does nothing but help zionists tenfold and hurt America and the Bill of Rights twice that.

        The enemy of my enemy is not my friend when all evidence points to who gains the most.

        It’s not Muslims.

        It’s certainly NOT Americans.

        So who, then?

        If you can’t figure that one out, please look some more.

    1. your tellin me. i ask myself that very question every day but you know what they say, the worlds a stage.
      you have christians preaching, by their fruits ye shall know them, or something like that.
      talk about selective

  3. Hypocrites, they quote the constitution when it’s suits them, but for us, it’s a blank, blank piece of paper. And, besides this, the POTUS is illegally acting as pres..

  4. Felons cannot be elected to any office, let alone president (granted, they’re all Selected, but that aside…), according to the ‘law’ (or at least used to be). That would exclude EVERY LAST ONE in ‘office’ today, being that they’re ALL multiple felons.

    How is is that felons can be politicians, but not gun owners.

    I strongly suspect a hidden agenda somewhere.

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