What is the Truth on Easter Sunday?

Jesus said, “I am the Truth”

This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years

Here on this Easter Sunday the individual free sovereign national finds him or herself confined to house arrest by what is quite simply a provable lie. 

In the Trumptard communist camp all eyes are glued to Fox News.  Calling Fox News news is a lie.

What is a reporter? A reporter is defined as: a person employed by a newspaper, magazine, or television company to gather and report news.  This does not say to give any opinion.  A true reporter reports the facts and leaves the individual to come to his or her own conclusion.

Today, Fox News (?) is the equivalent of a nationwide evangelical Judeo-Christian tent revival.

Since the inception of this country there has been an aristocracy/ruling class and a peasantry, those subjugated and ruled.  To infer anything short of this is an affront to reality.

The Jehovah Witness seeks out the convert, going door to door, attempting to get inside the house. All those watching Fox News today, you have opened that door.

Many calling themselves Christians do not understand the historical conflict between Christians and Jews.  Religion, being theoretical open subject matter has been a very effective tool for the international communist agenda for the international communist one world government, devoid of only 1% who will rule through dictate and live as kings and queens, duchesses and dukes, ladies and lords.  Only they will know free thought and free enjoyment thereof.  The rest of the masses, the goyum, will have a god and that god will be the communist collective, controlled by the international elitist royalty by their whim.

So why the full court press on religion, in particular Judeo-Christianity?

The majority of Americans will declare that they are Christian American, when they know less about the Bible than they do about the Bill of Rights.  They are often fed propaganda wherein video makers question college students about the most basic simple American history and absurdly wrong answers from three or four, because that is all that is being interviewed, are presented in an attempt to codify the lie that all Americans are ignorant of history.

If our children and grandchildren do not know American history, is it because they are ignorant or stupid?  And if they are ignorant who are their parents that allowed the ignorance through the failure to teach?

In the twentieth century governments killed 262 million of their own people, or rather governments conned 262 million people to kill each other.  How could anyone who knew history and the true reality of the day have participated in this massacre of humanity instead of standing on the truth and stopping it?

Jesus said, “I am the Truth”.

Every war is now supported by the evangelical Judeo-Christian world monarchy, in fact,  here in the United States, the church and state are adjoined in contract, and hell, have even had a representative added to the Executive Branch without the ratification process for the 5th Article of the Constitution for the united States of the Americas.

A group of evangelicals were shown in a picture laying their hands upon Donald Trump and declaring him the Chosen One.

Jesus said, “I am the Truth”.

The government agents from the pulpit have swayed a many a young man and many a young woman to sacrifice their lives and limbs to wars created from known lies.  For absolute instance, the Iraq invasion, destruction of that country, and the genocide committed on its people was perpetrated through a lie.  There was no yellow cake uranium.  The genocide of the Iraqi people was premeditated murder that continues to this day through the occupation of their sovereign country.  But today, those responsible for perpetrating that lie are up on Fox News (?) preaching collective ideology across the board in the name of the Messiah.

Jesus said, “I am the Truth”.

Through life experience passed on from generation to generation, the people have learned the truth and the Masonic dirty church cabal have lost control of their minds.  They couldn’t have another world war created from a lie because the people at large, whether they call themselves Christians or nothing at all, and even if they didn’t know who the first pretend president was, know that the governments create wars from lies for profit.

Jesus said, “I am the Truth”.

Today we are incarcerated in our houses with what is supposed to be a news source that should be reporting the violation of the 5th Article by the governors of every state, the crime of taking liberty from the individual without the due process of the law, no charge, no warrant, no common law court.  You can’t confront an accuser because there is no accuser.  You can’t question a witness against you, because there is no witness against you.  There is no verdict from the jury of your peers, which is the only authority by law that an American national can be incarcerated by.

Jesus said, “I am the Truth”.

Fox News (?) is running an all day evangelical revival adjoining Christianity, mammon, and a one world dictatorship under the name of Christ.  The people who are watching it have been in solitary confinement for a month, believing the lie which is proven a lie in the first statement in this article, or just hunkering in fear of the police state which is supported by the Judeo-Christian evangelicals.

And then you have the bombardment of the Tokyo Roses and the Berlin Betties telling you to surrender because the lie is going to prevail.

Jesus said, “I am the Truth”.

You cannot serve two masters that are diametrically opposed without becoming a living lie in your essence.

In time of war, to speak defeatism is an open act of treason, punishable by death, yet I see even here on this site open resentment because I will not allow defeatism except in instances where the truth is used to attack it for the vile acceptance of the lie that it represents.

Any person who would be free should have that Bill of Rights memorized.  No matter which angle the lie comes from or the attempt to demoralize and coax the hugest army to ever exist on this planet to just give up is a blatant act of insurrection and treason.

They want us talking about anything but those 10 Articles of absolute ratified law that are our liberty.  Oh, yes they want the defeatism edged into any chink in the armor that they can find.

The attacks in the Trenches must be SUBTLE in an attempt to have the smallest degree of effect or to even get up on the page.  And the ones I let through to give examples of this reality, well it appears there are people on here stupid enough to bear resentment because they don’t think the defeatism is extensive enough to warrant retaliation.

Well you mother f-kers better listen up.  ANY ANY ANY attempt to perpetrate defeatism to ANY ANY degree is f-king treason and to advocate or defend these acts in any way is accessory to that treason and will be accounted for because the truth is we will not be defeated and we will have our liberty through our law with zero tolerance for violation and all will be held accountable for their actions in aiding the criminals on Fox News (?) proclaiming known lies in the name of Jesus Christ.

To the fools who would fall for any of this shit, you will get what you deserve and that is not the days of Ronnie Regan mixed with Stalin that you crave to the degree that you believe you will be exempt from the tyranny you support.

It is the American nationals and the Bill of Rights and liberty verses the unlawful corporate aristocracy, the unlawful federal corporation, the state corporations, and local 501 c 3s posing as counties and municipalities being backed by the international corporate mafia, and the king of zion welding the sword mammon.

Push must be met with shove.  Tit for tat.  Blood for blood.  That being so, the standard we judge our reality by, that is math, says that the idea that these mongrels could ever defeat us is so absurd  that to advocate its believability is blatant treason, but it is sure a whole lot easier than standing up like a real American and putting liberty above your life. Just cut the shit with the religious excuses, technological excuses, and ignorant excuses and call yourself what you are, and that is a low down yellow belly spineless coward and that is the truth.

The Bill of Rights is the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

10 thoughts on “What is the Truth on Easter Sunday?

  1. “In time of war, to speak defeatism is an open act of treason, punishable by death,”
    Wow. This statement is powerful & has made it crystal clear as to why Henry allows no dissent from the truth nor words of defeatism.

  2. BRAVO !!! Freedom of the press was designed to be part of our checks and balances system unfortunately investigative journalism is dead. The corporate media should not be overlooked when we take our country back. Every lie they spew is another count of treason against them. Fortunately we have ways of dealing with them and thankfully we have truthful sites like the Trenches.

    Happy Easter to all.


  3. “…the standard we judge our reality by, that is math, says that the idea that these mongrels could ever defeat us is so absurd…” Because MATH IS TRUTH (which is why I taught it in HS and Jr.HS as well as home school); because the Bill of Rights is truth (which is why I will always defend it); because Jesus is truth (which is why I fear no Noahide, no phony Christian, no Talmudic crapola, and no anti-Christ). Maybe your best post ever, Henry!

  4. You are so accurate in calling them “mongrels, for they are nothing less, and if that fact alone can be exposed most will come to see them as THE ACTUAL VIRUS, the stain on liberty. And thinking of how they see US, well, this quote comes to mind:

    “We have regulated everything in their lives as is done by wise parents who desire to train children in the cause of duty and submission. For the peoples of the world are ever only children under age, precisely as are also their governments. ”
    — Protocols of Zion 15:20

    Henry, you’ve put me on-guard against defeatism, that it must be sniffed out in its most subtle form and utterly obliterated. Otherwise it assures victory for the oppressor. Thank you for this uncompromising truth.


  5. “There is no week nor day nor hour when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance.”
    — Walt Whitman


  6. Thank you, Henry, for those inspirational words of truth!

    God bless you and your family this Happy Easter!

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