Top Pentagon Generals Warn Enemies Not to Attack

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

With a growing number of reports showing the Pentagon absolutely getting pounded by coronavirus, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley issued a statement warning that US readiness remains intact, and that no nation should test the US

At a time when coronavirus is creating all sorts of opportunities for cooperation and peace-making, the US military is going in the opposite direction, growling like a wounded beast at a time when it is struggling with the virus.

Obviously a reaction to reports of thousands of US military coronavirus cases, with hundreds on the USS Theodore Roosevelt alone, Milley’s insistence that the US remains ready rings hollow, as a desperate response to ships and bases which are clearly partially or wholly out of action because of the virus.

With the US having such a large military, it isn’t to say that the US is particularly vulnerable right now. Still, offensive capabilities simply must be taxed by 3,366 Defense Department infections. The USS Theodore Roosevelt is in an extended dock because almost 10% of the crew is infected.

Underscoring this reality, the Pentagon has been moving to dial back information sharing on the outbreak within the military, trying to avoid letting potential enemies know which sites are most vulnerable and hit hardest by the virus.


5 thoughts on “Top Pentagon Generals Warn Enemies Not to Attack

  1. false flag heading this way perhaps carried out by domestic corporate/corporate agencies. Very plausible.
    Military people are highly vaccinated which makes them susceptible. Compromised immune system.

    1. ‘Military people are highly vaccinated which makes them susceptible. Compromised immune system.’
      Specifically the flu vaccine

  2. Sounds like they might be creating a reason to bring in UN or Foreign troops knowing some of the US troops won’t fire upon the American people if there is uprising. With the NSA they know exactly how and where the American people stand as a whole, there isn’t any guesswork on their behalf.

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