What’s blamed for California’s drought? Basically everything

Anyone else notice that there is no mention of HAARP or “Geo-Engineering” (chemtrails)?


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Mother Nature isn’t the only one blamed for California’s drought.

The state’s historic four-year dry spell has brought with it a flurry of finger-pointing. Now advocates, noting how California’s water shortage ranks as the top public concern, are invoking the drought to bolster their own causes.  

Animal rights activists, environmentalists and opponents of immigration and federal wildlife protections are among those seizing on concern for the drought to build support for their movements. The blame game has left state regulators and water watchers frustrated by what they call distractions from the state’s immediate and long-term crisis.

“The number one cause of the drought is simply lack of rainfall and snowfall,” said Tracy Quinn, a policy analyst with the Natural Resources Defense Council, itself fending off attacks that the drought is a “man-made” result of policies that ensure adequate water for fish and wetlands.

A look at drought-bolstered causes: ANTI-IMMIGRATION GROUP: TOO MANY FOREIGNERS, TOO LITTLE WATER A group advocating for immigration restrictions has aired commercials this month in Los Angeles and Sacramento blaming immigrants for draining the state’s water.

“Virtually all of California’s population growth is from immigrants. Let’s slow immigration and save some California for tomorrow,” a voiceover says after a befuddled child ponders why there’s not enough water if births are declining.

Experts in demographics and water use find the argument on shaky ground. For starters, California’s recent population growth is driven more by new babies than an influx of foreigners, according to data collected by Department of Finance. Immigration has declined since the recession. California mothers born in the U.S. are having more babies while women born abroad are having fewer.

Californians for Population Stabilization says the growing number of immigrants is still undeniable. “The drought is a symptom of a precious resource that there’s only so much of,” said Jo Wideman, the group’s executive director. “Water conservation and being efficient can help be part of the solution, but they can’t work miracles, and they can’t accommodate infinite population growth.”

Conservation experts say California can handle growth by saving water now wasted on East Coast-style lawns, undetected leaks and inefficient appliances. More people doesn’t always mean more water. Per-capita consumption has declined in the last two decades while urban water use has stayed level, according to the Public Policy Institute of California. Los Angeles uses about as much water as it did 40 years ago, even after adding one million people.

“The reality is you can’t tell people ‘Don’t move to California,” said Newsha Ajami, urban water policy director at Stanford University’s Water in the West program. “But you can be smarter in the way you use your water, you can be efficient, you can make sure people who come in understand how valuable this resources is to us.”

LAWMAKER: RAIN FOLLOWED IN TEXAS AFTER ABORTION RESTRICTIONS A state assemblywoman drew criticism last week after a reproductive health site reported that she tied abortion to drought. Assemblywoman Shannon Grove said she told attendees of an anti-abortion breakfast that rain fell on drought-stricken Texas after the governor there signed legislation banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. However, the Bakersfield Republican said she wasn’t trying to say God’s wrath over abortion caused California’s drought.

PETA: SKIPPING BURGERS SAVES MORE THAN SKIPPING SHOWERS People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has responded to Gov. Jerry Brown’s order for cities and towns to cut water use by 25 percent by urging an equal cut in milk and dairy production, citing the thousands of gallons of water needed to raise cows. The group says animal-agriculture is largely to blame for dwindling water supplies and exempt from water conservation efforts, although farmers have endured other government cuts to water from reservoirs and rivers.

PETA deployed naked women outside the state Capitol to highlight how far more water goes into making one burger than taking one shower. Brown recently said people should be eating veggie burgers, but he’s reluctant to dictate what crops and animals farmers should raise.


8 thoughts on “What’s blamed for California’s drought? Basically everything

  1. They are using a combination of HAARP style arrays, such as the one located on an island off the Baja of Mexico, and grids of chemtrails laid out on the Pacific to direct moisture laden weather around California. Hey, when the military said it wanted to control the weather they didn’t say it would be for our benefit. They are destroying food producing areas such as the flooded fields in Texas. Stock up, people!

    1. Saw an article somewhere saying far west Texas is getting four times the rain it normally gets in June (basically, it normally gets almost NONE–rains here start around the 4th of July until late September with the majority in August)…the cataloupe fields around Coyanosa (east of Pecos, north of Fort Stockton) are gone this year due to flooding), and cattle isn’t having an easy time either. I am sure folks I knew in flooded east Texas are now praying some of that rain would fall on Cali!

      Sorry, criminal psychopathic elites–your plans within plans to destroy agriculture and ranching in Texas and California will not work in the long run—but being psychopaths you have no clue, do you?

  2. Can’t help but determine that Texas is getting the ‘Royal Flush’, of sorts, for resisting control/manipulations of the New World Order.

    Other contributing causes are the convoluted policies of selling our National Park Lands to foreigners, the Water Treaties of 1944 as well as the United Nations Agenda 21 schemes to globalize all Water Treaties. Perhaps, once GITMO is vacant, the UN (and it’s agendas) could be relocated there.

    Texas Commission On Environmental Quality – Water Shortage Issue Related To The Mexican Water Deficit:

    United States of America and United Mexican States Water Treaty of November 1944 [pdf]:

    Southern California Water: Who Does It Belong To?:

    Support For U.N. Water Treaty Accelerates:

    List Of United States Treaties:

    1. About that New World Order ‘hope and changes thingy’ …

      ‘The New NSA Data Center Requires 1.7 Million Gallons Of Water Each Day To Operate’:

      The Surveillance State Has An Achilles Heel:
      ‘There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution which requires your State to help the Feds violate your rights.’

      U.S. Drought Monitor – Utah:

      U.S. Drought Monitor:

  3. Undoubtedly HAARP. They’re turning the highest crop producing state in the country into a desert.


  4. It has been known for decades that the central valley(was just out there next door to artichoke capitol of the world for work)from geological surveys that the water and lush valleys found by settlers is a anomaly.That region thru soil samples ect. has for 1000’s of years been a very arid/almost desert like region,this info. was known decades ago and yet not taken into account with the building boom that happened there.My grandpa lived in PG,close to the growers and remember him talking about water or lack there of being a issue and probably going to get worse decades back.I went thru Pacheco Pass a few months back,never seen the reservoir in decades that low.Many towns waste water treated and used for the valley growers,including sewage.

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