What’s going on?? AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile all down in Cali right now…

Investment Watch

Here’s the link to AT&T’s down detector page. People are freaking out all over the state..comments in the thousands right now!!

Can anyone report in on this thread that has these carriers what they’re experiencing?


Here’s a map of the states who are being affected right now.   


Wow, some of these outage maps are lit up like Vegas. Looks like some people saying it started around midnight pacific time?


Time Warner Cable:



Green Bank, West Virginia !!!Cell Phones Are Banned!!!! NO Wireless

Mountain Turnpike twists through dense oak, hickory and spruce trees and keeps winding, like a slithering snake, through the mountains that separate Virginia and West Virginia. But on a clear day, looking south from the Monongahela National Forest, what looks like a giant white Lego structure emerges from this sea of green.

And that’s about when it starts. Your cell phone drops reception. Your radio spins, unable to pull up any stations. You can shake your phone all you want, but it won’t help. If you’re a city slicker accustomed to continuous connectivity, you might start to panic.

Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/whats-going-on-att-vorizon-and-t-mobile-all-down-in-cali-right-now/#uTGVEj4QOK3RvyeL.99

17 thoughts on “What’s going on?? AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile all down in Cali right now…

  1. No problem here in San Leandro, CA with either my AT&T land line phone or DSL internet service – 6/15/2015. I refuse to own a cell phone. But my Gal in BC, Canada can’t phone me since yesterday evening ( though I can still, for the time being, phone her ), even though she can phone locally and to other Canadian Provinces . . .

  2. Here is where they get to combine the corporations with the military by acting like cell phones are a necessity. I guess if you’re on the road 2 hours a day trying to work the slave trade it just might be. Rather than give people a fair rate they would rather give that money to the government to protect themselves from all the people they been ripping off all this time. Remember daily newspapers that required whole staffs to manage them, reporters and all that and large buildings to house the printing presses that would run all night? Only $6.50 a month delivery right to your home. Internet is minimum $65 a month for nothing but free pipes the government laid down for them and free airwaves the government gives them. Now they go and act like it’s more important than food and everybody is expected to have one, I mean, how are you going to wait on the phone for an appointment for a unconstitutional drivers license for 2 hours if you don’t have a cancer causing cell phone pressed right up to your head?

    1. Two hours a day? Try 11 a day here. 160,000 miles a year. Cell phones are a priority. No cell, no money.

      1. How did they do it before cell phones? Logistics? Besides I’m saying they should be a few $$ a month at most.

        1. Times have changed brother. Back in the day was back in the day. Today is today. No cell, no load,no load no money. If cell shuts down then you had better know George Jetson, and his satellite crew.

          pay phones are no more and truck stops have 86,d all of their land lines for the most part.

          1. Yes ,there are computers in the truck to converse with your dispatcher, and receive load info. Still cells are a must, they are invaluable, especially the smart phones.

      2. Mark:

        my name is Vince (from NY). Am a fellow Patriot and regular listener/donator to Henry’s radio show. I wanted to know if maybe we could email each other. Or talk via phone a few min. Am interested in trucking, and have a couple questions. I hope to talk to you, brother.

  3. Just checked the video in this article, it’s DAHBOO77 / 777. He has acknowledged thanks to Pete Santilli in some of his previous videos. So, take what he says with a grain of salt as dahboo has been exposed for purveying dis-info recently . . .

    1. He’s the guy who posted a video of someone with a gun in a store in Houston wearing ISIS clothing, claiming it was real and ISIS is taking over. That Dahboo 7. And I don’t care how many 7’s he has in his name!

  4. For your safety and the safety of our armed forces we are temporarily suspending all cell phone service during the jade helm 15 exersize due to increaseing reqularity of cell phone video,facebook posts, and relaying of operational movements your cooperation is required any attempt to relay info about jade helm will be meet with force you have been warned

  5. 8:58 AM 7.15.2015, just watched local news KTVU channel 2 Oakland, CA, and NOTHING about ANY phone or internet outages here. I suspect a BS psy-op with this story unless anyone else in Crapifornia can report otherwise.

  6. Don’t forget this:

    Who’s Cutting California Internet Cables? The FBI Has No Idea
    Eleven times in the last year, fiber-optic lines have been snapped—cutting off 911 service in at least one community. Investigators are scrambling to figure out who’s behind the attacks.Shop ▾
    Someone (or some crew) has been skulking around northern California, possibly dressed as a cable technician, and snipping the fiber-optic lines that provide Internet, cable, and phone service. His motives are yet unknown. But the FBI has counted 11 such incidents in the past year and is appealing for the public to help catch the cable-cutting bandit.

    The latest cut happened Tuesday, on three major Internet cables serving the Sacramento area, causing cable and Internet service disruptions as far north as Seattle.


  7. A co incidence that Jade Helm started today and all these comms went down? I think not. Any purge by the state would begin by severing communications so people couldn’t ask for help, issue warnings, etc. Power outages would further handicap people. I’m not saying its happening now, but they are rehearsing in the very least.

  8. Green Bank WV is home of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

    That area has been a radio dead zone for the longest time because of the Radio Telescope. If you want to see a very huge sat dish, check it out.

  9. It was reported via KCRA that fiber optic lines in San Joaquin County were cut. Not only did it affect cell service it disrupted 911 calls.

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