Share Everything – by RASHA B. FODA
This system that we continue to participate in, as if everything is okay, is completely and irretrievably broken.
“The car industry cannot stop making new cars because they would have to close their factories and lay off tens of thousands of employees. This would further add to the recession. Also the domino effect would be catastrophic as steel manufactures would not sell their steel. All the tens of thousands of places where car components are made would also be effected, indeed the world could come to a grinding halt.”
The only reason all this is happening is because we can’t let go of the insane notion that we must constantly “profit,” i.e., grow our economy. With this insane paradigm, enough is never enough.
It is nightmare gone out of control and the only way to stop it is to wake up.
Yes.. I saw these pics before. This is the “channel stuffing” that I recently mentioned here.
Now… if you happen to be in the market for a new car, you should make use of this knowledge. A new car dealer will do anything to sell a car these days. (0% financing, and don’t even mention the sticker price).
Apparently there are not only enough empty homes to house every single homeless person in this nation, but there are enough new unsellable cars to give one away free to every family in need.
There are days and days I feel like I was incarnated against my will into this beautiful but hellish planetary arcade-game hologram being played by a self-centered, emotionally stunted, adolescent twit.
If you think that’s bad, imagine all of the thousands of military vehicles that are built but never get used and just sit there in lots. Some get sold to other countries, since newer ones come out each year like cars, while the rest just sit there as proof that our tax dollars have just been completely wasted. Absolutely disgusting. Pure proof that war is a racket.
“….imagine all of the thousands of military vehicles that are built but never get used and just sit there in lots..”
Yeah, I know. I bought one of them. Best deal I ever got on a car, and I felt like I was getting a tax return.
Hahaha! Ok then.