Where’s the Feminist Outrage as #RapeMelania Trends on Twitter?

Daisy Luther

Remember how Twitter kicked out Milo Yiannopolis for being mean and censored the hashtag #HillaryforPrison?

Well, I guess that censorship is a one-way street because the repugnant hashtag #RapeMelania was trending this morning and no one at Twitter seemed to feel that was worth censoring. Other recent allowable Twitter trends have been #DieWhitesDie and #AssassinateTrump – but that’s cool too.  

And Twitter censors aside, where is the feminist outrage? They call President Elect Trump a misogynist but they don’t denounce this?

Perhaps I misunderstood “feminism” and thought that their good will towards women meant all of us, not just the ones who agree with them politically. Maybe “rape culture” is okay as long as it happens to a woman married to a man they don’t like. Maybe Melania is asking for it because they don’t like her husband.

I guess this is what happens when I skip Women’s Studies class. I miss out on which women can acceptably be threatened with rape and which women can’t. It’s all so very confusing.

Here’s what happened.

It all started when some loser at a protest had this sign outside of one of the Trump Hotels.


And shortly, the hashtag was trending. Here’s a screenshot from this morning.


Oh, and here’s another delightful Tweet someone screen-captured.


Of course, this isn’t the first time the Left let their misogynism show. Who can forget this memorable moment?

Remember, people who voted for Trump are the evil humans.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters are denounced as xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, hate-filled secret KKK members who can now bring their white hoods out of the closet.

Oh – and still nothing from Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and Bernie Sanders.

Thank goodness #LoveTrumpsHate.

Daisy Luther



2 thoughts on “Where’s the Feminist Outrage as #RapeMelania Trends on Twitter?

  1. The first thing a ‘leader’ does that wants its population (share) to follow them in any war (Read that as Fight and Die for the leaders goal.) is: Dehumanize the enemy.

    “people who voted for Trump are the evil humans.”

    Caution here for them left wing nuts, People that voted Trump in probably believe in the 2nd Amendment also. Something you average Liberal gave up to be allowed (Have Permission!) live in them peaceful Liberal cities like New York or Chicago where no one is armed, no one is in fear and no one gets killed on a daily basis…. Pffffffffff

    BTW, they probably know how to properly aim AND shoot them evil weapons also. They will not roll over and play dead, unless it is a tactic to draw you near and see the whites of your eyes. This country is not 1917 disarmed Russia.

  2. “Well, I guess that censorship is a one-way street….”

    Of course it is, and always will be as long as you’re getting your information from the Zionist / communist / liberal media and their paid shills on the internet.

    I think it’s great to see them expose their own hypocrisy and fascist intentions. This will nail the coffin shut on “liberalism” for a long time to come….. but they don’t really care about press anymore. They’re going to get their world war started, because they’ve lost the propaganda war. They’re certainly not going to surrender, and war is their only other option, so get ready for it.

    Their choices are limited to war, or the noose, so expect them to whip up some frenzy among the goyim (via false-flag ops) so they can get them to do their fighting for them.

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