WHO Blames ‘Fake News and Conspiracy Theories’ As Sovereign Nations Reject Pandemic Treaty

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice


The World Health Organization is blaming “fake news, lies and conspiracy theories” as sovereign nations continue to withdraw their support for the Pandemic Treaty that would hand over national sovereignty to the globalist institution.

WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is sharpening his attacks on critics of the Pandemic Treaty, dismissing those with legitimate concerns regarding sovereignty as “conspiracy theorists” and peddlers of “fake news.”

The Pandemic Agreement or Treaty would grant the WHO unprecedented control over sovereign nations – allowing them to make decisions that override federal governments, outlaw free speech and imprison citizens for sharing so-called “misinformation” online. Watch:

Notice how Tedros does not address any of the legitimate concerns regarding the globalist Pandemic Treaty. He simply dismisses critics as conspiracy theorists and repeats a series of lies and half-truths about the treaty.

Should sovereign nations of the world trust the WHO with such overarching powers? Not on the evidence of the WHO’s latest dictatorial power grab.

The increasingly authoritarian WHO has announced plans to roll out a global police force that will be responsible for punishing citizens who spread non-mainstream content on the Internet.

In a session titled “Disease X,” Tedros declared that in order to be “better prepared” and “to understand disease X,” the WHO’s legally binding ‘Pandemic Agreement’ needs to be adopted by leaders worldwide.

“This is about a common enemy,” Tedros said, adding “without a shared response, we will face the same problem as COVID.”

He explained that the deadline for the legislation is May of this year and member states are negotiating between countries to implement it.

“This is a common global interest, and very narrow national interests should not come in the way,” he continued, adding “of course national interests are natural, but they could be difficult and affect the negotiations.”

Tedros also declared that COVID was “the first disease X, and it could happen again.” Here is the full exchange:


2 thoughts on “WHO Blames ‘Fake News and Conspiracy Theories’ As Sovereign Nations Reject Pandemic Treaty

  1. Tedros can blather on all he wants, but I think we actually brought them down, threw a wrench in all their oppressive objectives. We ruthlessly mocked all their pompous power and now they’re walking away with their tail between their legs. Truth has a way of escorting lies out the door. But they’ll come again, with bigger and badder objectives. Wonder if they know how well the people understand bigger and badder.


  2. We all know the Brandon Admin will sign the “Pandemic Treaty” for no other reason than to save his own skin, as with all psychopaths. So what do We the People do? DO NOT COMPLY, and screw any health professional that does comply! Down with allopathy!

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