Who Owns Your Mind?

Mind ControlDisinformation – by Marie Jones

Mention the words “mind control” to most people and they will tell you to put on your tin foil hat. Long associated with conspiracy theories, despite so much evidence to prove it has existed in some form or another from the time humans could interact, mind control is finally getting the respect it deserves, thanks to an unprecedented era of privacy invasions on all fronts that can no longer be denied.  

From the technology we have all come to know, love and depend on, such as cell phones and pads and computers, to the social networking sites we now live our entire lives on for all the world to see, to the creepy presence of cameras on street corners and satellite/drone eyes in the skies…we think we still control our own private lives. We think we control our own thoughts, desires, behaviors and actions. We think we control our own minds…but further examination proves we are exposed in ways we might never have imagined.

From the earliest times to the present day, humans have sought ways to control other humans, even know their thoughts and possibly even change them. Throughout history, there have been religious crusades and political maneuverings specifically designed to do away with those who thought and behaved out of step with the needs and desires of those in authority positions. We see every day now reports in the media of continued attempts to control other human beings, even if it means slaughtering them or placing them into captivity, like zoo animals. Our own media serves as a weapon of mind control, delivering news and information to us that is often bought and paid for by those in power, whether political, religious or corporate. We cannot trust anything we hear anymore as fact or truth, because often it is spun to present to us a particular truth, one that usually benefits the spinner. This is mind control at its most pervasive, in the form of government, military and even corporate invasions into our personal and private domains and it happens in every country across the globe because wanting to control others is an undeniable facet of human behavior and the desire for power no matter one’s race, color or creed.

The declassification of government controlled programs such as MKUltra, Artichoke and others from our past have proven that people who can manipulate others for their own benefit, WILL manipulate others for their own benefit. This includes torture, the abuse of children, and the destruction of human minds for a higher purpose, according to those in charge of said programs, of creating some type of supersoldier or superspy, or perhaps just for the sheer scientific glee of seeing how far you can push another human being to act like a remote controlled robot. Perhaps a bit of both…

But more invasive and insidious forms of mind control exist in our every day lives that we may not pay much attention to. We spend much of our time either on the Internet looking at news; on social networking sites, which are rampant with disinformation and misinformation alike; watching television or listening to radio; even reading magazines and newspapers and books, all of which serve to fill our minds with the thoughts and beliefs of others. Some of this acts as sheer entertainment, or even education, but at what point do we relinquish our own ability to think, act and behave to others who would no doubt love to do it for us? It’s a question we all need to begin asking as we are coming into an age of absolute information overload.

Now, with constant surveillance and watchful eyes upon us, we not only give up our inner domain of control, but in many ways, our outer as well. Cell phones, computers, gadgets…all can be easily hacked by powerful entities that want to know what we are saying, who we are with, where we are going and what we are consuming, and often we don’t even know we are being diagnosed with such explicitness. There are security cameras on street corners watching our every move, more satellites in the skies above honing in on our activities, even inside our own homes, and now drones flying under the radar with the ability to see through walls as well.

Though much of this technology and advancement has positive benefits as well, we cannot ignore the negative aspects of losing our individual and collective privacy, because once our privacy is gone, we lose who we are at our most basic and core level. Mind control and electronic surveillance is now such a part of our existence, we don’t even protest much against it anymore. How many people refuse to fly because of the TSA? How many people turn off their cell phones despite being told that the technology now exists to listen to your conversations even when you are not using your phone? How many people watch what they say on social networking, often inviting scam artists and criminals to take advantage of them?

There are people who call themselves “TIs,” or targeted individuals, who believe they are being surveilled, harassed and even controlled by others, perhaps from the government, military or some corporate entity…and yet, in this day and age, we are all targeted individuals. We are all potentially being watched, studied, stalked, harassed and manipulated by people who benefit from controlling, altering or changing our innermost thoughts and beliefs, and thus, our behaviors. Perhaps it doesn’t require a tin foil hat anymore to realize that we are at a point in history where technology has the power to see right through us, and transmit what it sees to whomever wants the information, for whatever purposes.

We are at war now, not for oil or resources or territory or religious or political bragging rights. We are at war for control of the last bastion of what it is that defines our humanity…our own minds.

© Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman are the authors of Mind Wars, published by New Page Books, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-60163-358-3. US $15.99, (Can. $18.95)

– See more at: http://disinfo.com/2015/04/who-owns-your-mind/#sthash.WzU8gxty.dpuf

One thought on “Who Owns Your Mind?

  1. “… watching television or listening to radio; even reading magazines and newspapers and books, all of which serve to fill our minds with the thoughts and beliefs of others.”

    Books I’ll do, no problem.

    The rest you can chuck.

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